PkMn XY/ORAS LF: UB 2 & 4

  • Thread starter Taiiny
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I ate in the past few minutes
Towns Folk
I'm looking for the Moon Ultra Beasts to complete my Dex, so I won't be keeping them. I'm paying 10 PC for the two. Send a PM if you're interested.
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I am looking for the Sun Ultra Beasts. How about a trade? ;) I have 4 Pheromosa (UB2) and 2 Celesteela (UB4), so you can have 2 Pheromosa and 1 Celesteela?
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I am looking for the Sun Ultra Beasts. How about a trade? ;) I have 4 Pheromosa (UB2) and 2 Celesteela (UB4), sonyou can have 2 Pheromosa and 1 Celesteela?
I'm not looking to trade my UBs for the counterparts, sorry. I just want to complete my Dex. Deal is still up, though.
I'm not looking to trade my UBs for the counterparts, sorry. I just want to complete my Dex. Deal is still up, though.
Sorry, I still need mine so I can trade them for their Sun counter parts. But if you just want their Pokédex entry you can trade them with me then trade back? No PC needed. :)
I'm looking for the Moon Ultra Beasts to complete my Dex, so I won't be keeping them.
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but I wasn't asking to keep them. Still want to do the transaction?
Sure! I'm a little busy tomorrow but Monday would work for me.
Sure! I'm a little busy tomorrow but Monday would work for me.
Sure thing, start a PM with me when you're available.