Like if you __________

  • Thread starter anthony91728595
  • Start date


Legendary Collector
Towns Folk
Hey Guys. Welcome to my game. It is called Like if you __________. For example if someone says, Like if you like homework, you may need to think of something better. The more the better the more the likes.


Like if you like homework

Then think of something better like:

Like if you hate school.

You can't post the same thing so if someone does, Like if you Love Mario, you can't say it again.

Anyway, I'll start:


Like if you hate school
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Reactions: Furnix
Like if you have a crush on someone in school xD

Like if you think this is a dumb thread.
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Reactions: Evelyn
Like if you havent read this
Like if you're single.
Like if you Love Legendary Pokemon
Like if you like to like posts in pointloess threads that are like bacon like an elephant
  • #10
Like if Pokemon is your Favorite Game Franchise of All Time
  • #11
Like if it's annoying seeing people write every word in caps >.<)
  • #12
Like if this is you:
  • #13
Like if you just read this and you're wondering whether you should like it or not.
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Reactions: Starmanfan