AC: NL Looking for 2 items in the Regal set.

  • Thread starter Wayflow234
  • Start date


New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
Does anyone have a regal chair or regal dresser? I'll pay 6000 bells for each! c:
I'm new to this, so I dont have any play coins... Sorry!
I have both and you can have them for free
The only condition is that you'll have to wait till 5ish tommorow because I can't play my 3ds atm and 5:00 is when I get home from school
If you don't already have the regal items by tommorow from someone else then I'll just pm you at 5ish to give you them :p
Sorry I wasnt on yesterday!! I was sick lol. Do you still have them? :):)
Oh lol I still have them but it'll have to be tommorow xD I'm almost about to sleep
I'll pm you tommorow when I'm ready