Looking for 5 or 6IV Poliwhirl

  • Thread starter coolflare
  • Start date


The flame of wonder and coolness
Towns Folk
Must be Male and have Belly Drum as a move
I WILL have a pokemon IV calculator so don't try to scam me.
If you need to use one, go here: http://www.legendarypokemon.net/ivcalcxy.html
3DS fc: 2020-0940-1634

I'm offering 5PC, HA frogadier, Jolly Beldum (Has either 5 or 6 IV's)
Mewtwo, or HA smeargle.

Please post stats, nature, and charactetistic here first. If they DON'T match, I will report you.

Happy trading!
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Wow, rude.
What ability / nature / gender do you want?
@Marc , shouldn't this be in the Nookling Junction section?
How was I rude?

Also, I don't care about natue or ability
I need male
Oops! Completely missed the 5 PC ><
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Oh, im sorry. Just wanted to keep scamers off my back
Oh, im sorry. Just wanted to keep scamers off my back
If someone scams you, just get evidence if they refuse to cooperate and send me a PM.

I doubt anyone would tho. It isn't likely to happen but you're new here so I get why you're a bit hesitant.
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thx marc

Soooo, anyone who came that is willing to do buissness with me?
So you want,

5ivs / 6ivs
Random Ability
Random Nature.
Assuming you want a Physical Poliwhirl, so I'll breed you an Adamant natured one.
With Belly Drum as one of it's moves.

I don't scam people btw. >.>
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I DON'T need Him for competive play. All I need him for is to breed with my perfect Azumarill and have a Belly Drum set Azumarill in my disposal.
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  • #10

I DON'T need Him for competive play. All I need him for is to breed with my perfect Azumarill and have a Belly Drum set Azumarill in my disposal.

Then would you rather have a Belly Drum Marill? I have a ton of them.
  • #11
6IV or 5IV that's missing sp.attk?
  • #12
6IV or 5IV that's missing sp.attk?

Yeah. So do you still want the Marill instead of the Poliwhirl? Or do you want both?
  • #13
Umm... I'll take Azumarill

Goodbye my 6iv shiny choice band Azumarill. I will miss u...
  • #14
Umm... I'll take Azumarill

Goodbye my 6iv shiny choice band Azumarill. I will miss u...

Haha. We can trade once I get home. Which should be around 2pm or 3pm.

Does gender matter and do you want a nickname for it?
  • #15
IDC what gender it has
Also, what is ur time zone?

Mine is GMT-4 (or EST in USA)
  • #16
IDC what gender it has
Also, what is ur time zone?

Mine is GMT-4 (or EST in USA)

Done. EDT. I'll PM you when I'm ready.
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