Metal Gear Solid and it's future?

  • Thread starter LaytonsGal
  • Start date


Lover of Layton and Queen of the Zora's!
Towns Folk
So recently, thanks to my boyfriend, I've gotten into the MGS series. Now while I understand how most of the games connect, I'm still having a little trouble grasping the whole story, but that's besides the point xD

I'm playing through the original right now, and I'm loving it so far!
I've also started a bit into MGS 3, but I decided to wait until I beat 1 and 2 first. (I can't wait to play as Raiden!)
I'm that kind of person who has to play games in chronological order. Oh, well the first MGS game I played was Metal Gear Rising, which is all the way at the end of the time line, but oh well! xD

So is anyone here especially fond of the MGS series?

Also, (get ready for a sensitive subject lol) how do you feel about the way Konami has treated Mr.Kojima-san?
I honestly think It's a real darn shame, because now, Konami is free to do whatever they want with Metal Gear!!
I'm horrified they'll keep it going after MGS 5 and completely ruin it...

But, I do believe that the other team members ho helped with the games will still be there, so I don't know how out of hand it will get. If you know more about that then I, please share!

Because I know Kojima is leaving Konami, but what about the other people who worked on MGS?
OF course, I think if their decent people, they'll leave Konami as well....

From the sounds of it, they're pretty much just moving away from video games after mgs5 and instead are focusing on their bigger branch (which are pachinko machines, apparently they make waaaaaay more money in Japan). On one hand, if that's true, I'll be glad they can't screw any of their other games up. For the longest time, konami had been just throwing out crappy games, like the month of madness when they released four crappy silent hill games, or when they cancelled P.T. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing them sell the ips to other companies who can make sure the franchises are still alive and strong.
From the sounds of it, they're pretty much just moving away from video games after mgs5 and instead are focusing on their bigger branch (which are pachinko machines, apparently they make waaaaaay more money in Japan). On one hand, if that's true, I'll be glad they can't screw any of their other games up. For the longest time, konami had been just throwing out crappy games, like the month of madness when they released four crappy silent hill games, or when they cancelled P.T. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing them sell the ips to other companies who can make sure the franchises are still alive and strong.

Ah okay O:
Yeah if they just did move away from games altoghether, that would most likely be for the best. And probably a lot of people would feel more at ease!

And wait, let me make sure I'm understanding right, they released 4 silent hill games within a few months of each other?! Im not really into Silent Hill (although i think it looks good), So I never really heard about that.
Firstly, let me correct that I said four games, when it was actually three. And secondly, not 3 games within a few months, 3 Silent Hill games WITHIN THE SAME MONTH!! Konami released Silent Hills: Book of Memories (a hack and slash game for the vita...keep in mind, this is a HACK AND SLASH GAME FOR A HORROR SERIES), Silent Hills Downpour (an average game that was obviously rushed with tons of technical problems plaguing the experience), and the Silent Hills HD collection (considered one of the worst HD collections ever, it removed all the fog effects that made it so iconic and the music and sounds were completely different). It was a failure for the series, the company, and the fans
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Firstly, let me correct that I said four games, when it was actually three. And secondly, not 3 games within a few months, 3 Silent Hill games WITHIN THE SAME MONTH!! Konami released Silent Hills: Book of Memories (a hack and slash game for the vita...keep in mind, this is a HACK AND SLASH GAME FOR A HORROR SERIES), Silent Hills Downpour (an average game that was obviously rushed with tons of technical problems plaguing the experience), and the Silent Hills HD collection (considered one of the worst HD collections ever, it removed all the fog effects that made it so iconic and the music and sounds were completely different). It was a failure for the series, the company, and the fans

Oh wow...that is bad :S
a hack and slash Silent Hill game does not sounds good at all.
And man that sucks for the HD collection to be bad. when there are SO many good HD collections out there. I can imagine the fans were pretty darn upset. I know I would have been if I was a Silent Hill fan....

Like why change the music, sound effects and remove fog? Like obviously removing the fog was probably them being lazy, since it's most likely easier to just remove it than to improve it.
But changing the music and sound effect actually would take effort and would be pointless :S
Since I'm sure the music and sounds were already perfectly fine.
Removing the fog actually is more work, since the reason for having it was to hide the horrendously bad distance render and godawful graphics. And since they didn't bother fixing any of that, it didn't make sense. And even if they had, the foggy town was extremely iconic. It's akin to making a Mario game without the overalls and red hat.

Anyways, my point is, Konami has made some weiiiird decisions, so it's probably a good thing they'll be leaving the properties alone. I just wish they'd give them to other people who were more responsible