Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3d

  • Thread starter Hc101
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The Video Game Addict
Towns Folk
Does anyone still own or remember this game? The demo (to me) was so cool that i played through all 20 uses of it usually playing more than once per use. Then yesterday I realized i had a nintendo eshop gift card and looked up this game and got it just over 3 years after its release. And in my opinion it was worth it. Though i haven't played any other snake games to me this game has a just right amount of needed skill challenge and that feeling of im a ninja spy assassin. That being said i played through over half of the game from the time i bought it (noonish) to roughly 6:00 pm. thats all i really have to say for now but you guys can give your opinions as well.:ninja:
I've played the demo as well :p It was a fun game ( but quite challenging for me :p ) and I liked the concept but then I got stuck at a certain point and just left it like that :p I still have the demo and I did try it again and managed to finish so I think that this game is really good , especially in graphics :D
I've played it through about a hundred times on the PS2. I played the demo of the 3DS version and it just wasn't appealing to me. It was like a mixture of Peace Walker (controls) and Snake Eater (most of the stuff) and the added features (crouch-walking and crawling, for example) didn't sit well with me. The over-the-shoulder aiming system wasn't much more preferable to the first-person one either. The photograph-camouflage feature was interesting but people told me they'd be able to get infinite/100% camo from any photo they took :panda:
The 3DS version is good, but PS3 and PSVITA versions are MUCH BETTER!
So I traded my MGS3D for Vita's HD Collection.

If you got only the 3DS, buy it. It's one of my favorites games of all time. Even Kojima said Metal Gear Solid 3 is his favorite on the series.
This game never gets old, it's a classic.

And, story-wise, it's the first Metal Gear. So if you want to catch on the series, you HAVE to play MGS3 ;)
The 3DS version is good, but PS3 and PSVITA versions are MUCH BETTER!
So I traded my MGS3D for Vita's HD Collection.

If you got only the 3DS, buy it. It's one of my favorites games of all time. Even Kojima said Metal Gear Solid 3 is his favorite on the series.
This game never gets old, it's a classic.

And, story-wise, it's the first Metal Gear. So if you want to catch on the series, you HAVE to play MGS3 ;)
than what is the order of the story line? because i might rent the games based on that over the summer. like i said i can put 6-7 hours into a game a day so a 1- week rental is no problem
There are two main storylines: Naked Snake (The Big Boss) and his clone, Solid Snake.
(We have Raiden's story too, but he doesn't get the love of Metal Gear fans)

Big Boss' story starts on Metal Gear Solid 3, then goes to Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes. His story is still in progress, so the next chapter will be Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Solid Snake's story starts on old consoles, but you can start playing from the first Metal Gear SOLID. Then it continues on MGS2 (and this game starts Raiden's storyline too), then... jump to MGS4, as MGS3 has Big Boss as protagonist.
As far as we know, Solid Snake's story will not continue, and Raiden will be the protagonist now.
Raiden was introduced in MGS2, and his own game was released with the name Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Big Boss' story is the past; Solid Snake's story is the future; and Raiden's story is the future of the future.

Hope it helps ;)