Method of contact?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date


Towns Folk
When signing up for a club or service, how do you prefer to be contacted? the most common ones are:

-By Email
-By phone
-By Post
-In person

As for me, I'd like to be called. It's simple, and you get a fast response.
By phone. I like to be called. >.< Texting is meh. e.e

Texting/email for whenever numbers or stuff need to be exchanged though. That's a pain to do over just calling.
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By post. There's something so satisfying about opening your mail (and something so annoying if your family opens it beforehand >.>). Besides, 'service' includes subscriptions, right? Reader's Digest :D Can't get it any way other than post, you won't catch me reading the iPad version.
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By email or post, I hate calling people and I just don't do face-to-face interactions.
Probably by Email, mostly because it's simple and helps share files much easily.
Anything but phone. Phones are evil. They are noisy and it's like they scream "YOU'RE OBLIGATED TO ANSWER NOW AND TALK TO ME, RIGHT NOW".

I like emails... you answer when you can.
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I think that I'd rather be called above all the rest. By phone is really convenient and easy. I really don't like to talk situations in person since I'm not really good at those and I'm probably too shy. And by E-mail is probably the worst in my opinion. That moment when you send a message and you're just waiting for a reply for like forever and they never reply is the worst thing I can imagine, especially if that matter is important @.@

Post ? meh >.>
I like Email, and post. I don't like being called by phone mostly because each time my phone rings I get a small scare because of the ringtone, and not to mention I had gotten a creepy phone call when my grandpa accidentally put my number for something he signed up with :(.

And I always check my email since its tired to Nintendo.
Definitely by email. I don't generally prefer phone calls unless it's super important.