Metroid Prime Federation Force: A Defense

  • Thread starter KoreanGuy
  • Start date


AC:NL - The Villager
Towns Folk
Nintendo's showing of the game was poor, but nothing, nothing that justifies this kind of rage and reaction. Ultimately 15,000 people are demanding that a game early in development, anywhere from six to eighteen months (!!) from release, be scrapped, based on 60 seconds of footage broadcast over the internet. How harmful is this to the developers at Next Level, a studio of dozens of people who will work long hours to make this game the best it can be?

Justification for frustration, discontent, sure. Justification for that frustration to be expressed in this manner? Absolutely not. It's juvenile and insulting, and this opinion piece skirts too close to implying that this petition has some legitimate ground to stand on. And, as for "the endless reworking of IP", get a grip: this is a completely different style of game. That's the whole point of the anger, it's nothing like previous uses of the IP, therefore people don't like it. Not to mention that before this, Metroid games have been side scrollers, a first-person adventure, a third-person action-adventure with CGI cut scenes and a terrible representation of Samus as a character, had split-screen mutliplayer, a spin-off that was an FPS with online multiplayer, and get this: a pinball game. I repeat: a Metroid pinball game. Yet a squad based shooter using and extending Metroid's universe is a step too far, and, this piece hints, a step with justifiable grounds for complaint? Was the Halo real-time strategy game, not featuring the Master Chief, grounds for Halo fans to be unhappy?

If there's anything we've just learnt from Nintendo's E3 broadcast, it's that their fans don't like Nintendo changing core IP into new and unusual things, because fans are asking for more of the same of the previous decades. They want a 'traditional' Animal Crossing (Amiibo Party for my money is more deserving of fans' ire), another Zelda, F Zero. And why the implicit insinuation that a 3DS spin-off--in which Nintendo are attempting an extension of what one of their IP can be--is somehow less worthy of development time than another traditional home console Metroid game? Again, that's an insult to Next Level. Judge them on what they ship, not on what is displayed for sixty seconds. Why shouldn't Nintendo be producing games for the 50 million plus 3DS owners, when Wii U has yet to hit 10 million? Should Sony be producing Vita games at the expense of the more successful PS4?

If Nintendo have their heads screwed on, they'll stand by Next Level, whose work shouldn't be judged on:
a) sixty seconds of footage
b) the loudspeaker of an online petition.
If 'fans' don't like this, they have one simple and effective weapon to use when the game ships: not buying it.