Mighty no. 9 Summer Release.

  • Thread starter shanic132
  • Start date


Super Fighting Robot!
Towns Folk
Oh boy let's get all the saltiness out.

Well It's official, MN9 will be coming out soon this year over the summer. Inafune goes on and claims "With the game having 'gone gold' we are in the last final stages of being able to deliver it into your hands, be that via your favorite retail outlet, or via digital channels"

However though, if you're planning to get MN9 for 3DS or Vita, you might as well wait a little longer. I don't officially know the details on why but I believe it's because of the engine mechanic limit or of some sort, (please correct me if i'm wrong.)

Overall, I'm happy that this game will come out, sure we've had delay after delay but most of the time it was for logical reasons, like with Deep Silver just coming in and giving them money for the rest of the DLC. or when there was bugs in the multiplayer. However, what really got me frustrated was the people complaining about them not gonna get the game because of the delays themselves. Look if you're not gonna get it because the characters are weird, or the story is bad to you, or maybe the gameplay is not what you expect then that's all fine. But saying you're not gonna get the game because of the delays is like saying I'm not gonna eat my Pop-Tart because it's not hot lol.

Please feel free to comment on what you think about the situation!