MM3D Tombstone Mario Hat Easter Egg???

  • Thread starter zekiebouy
  • Start date


Towns Folk
I think I just found myself an easter egg in MM3D! :eek:

If you ask me, the top of the Composer Flats tombstone looks as though there might be a mario hat engraved XD Go check it out yourself in Ikana's Graveyard! And please inform me if this easter egg has already been found!
Ope I thought it was a bat. I guess the Mario thing would make sense too though, seeing as there are several Mario references between ocarina of time and Majora's Mask alone
Ope I thought it was a bat. I guess the Mario thing would make sense too though, seeing as there are several Mario references between ocarina of time and Majora's Mask alone
Oooh, it kinda does look like a bat... Looks awfully like a Mario hat too though lol
I am terrible trying to identify those easter eggs myself!! But you have a point there it seems like it is stick to the stone and the circle around the M just makes it quite similar to mario's hat.Besides what is above it is somewhat similar to mario's moustache, have you realized it?
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I am terrible trying to identify those easter eggs myself!! But you have a point there it seems like it is stick to the stone and the circle around the M just makes it quite similar to mario's hat.Besides what is above it is somewhat similar to mario's moustache, have you realized it?
didn't even realise the moustache :D good observation!
It does really look like some sort of Easter egg after considering it a bit . However its hard to confirm it because it could be a bat as well just as @Kela12345 said . Maybe it is , Maybe it isn't . But good job on finding this because it really does bring an interesting topic to look into . However maybe it was Nintendo , you know , after remastering Majoras Mask for 3ds , I heard they put alot of little details into things like posters and stuff but maybe this is an Easter egg
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It does really look like some sort of Easter egg after considering it a bit . However its hard to confirm it because it could be a bat as well just as @Kela12345 said . Maybe it is , Maybe it isn't . But good job on finding this because it really does bring an interesting topic to look into . However maybe it was Nintendo , you know , after remastering Majoras Mask for 3ds , I heard they put alot of little details into things like posters and stuff but maybe this is an Easter egg
It is debatable, believe what you like! ;) It really is hard to tell
didn't even realise the moustache :D good observation!
Well thanks!! this is somewhat related to that saying that states that two heads think better than just one, in this case it would be four eyes look better than two hahahaha regards!
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  • #11
How come I never get to find my own Easter Egg?

I'm going to be honest, I have been to Ikana Graveyard, and I never noticed. Its probably because I never pay that close attention to everything in sight. Yeah, that green arrow in the image kind of made it look like a bat, if you remove the 'M' on the tombstone.
  • #12
This is my favorite game. Sharp and Flat are supposed to resemble Mario and Luigi. And the Happy Mask Salesman has a Mario mask... Is everything clicking into place? Tell me what you think!
  • #13
Ope I thought it was a bat. I guess the Mario thing would make sense too though, seeing as there are several Mario references between ocarina of time and Majora's Mask alone
Link's awakening is OVERFLOWING with them, not even trying to hide it. There are characters really similar to mario and luigi,a photo that looks like Peach, there are GOOMBAS AND PIRANHA PLANTS, etc.
  • #14
Wait, what?! I never noticed this before at all! :0

That’s awesome! And for the record, there’s no way that’s a bat. That looks exactly like a Mario hat to me. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. Nintendo is known for putting Mario easter eggs in games like these, such as OoT with the mural through Princess Zelda’s window.
  • #15
Wait a minute, so Mario dies in the Zelda universe? :redpanda:

Still though, that's quite an interesting easter egg.