
  • Thread starter jomar500
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AC:NL - The Villager
Towns Folk
Did you guys know that Monopoly made at least two Nintendo Editions, featuring some of our favorite characters?

And if yes, did you (always want to) play it/them?
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I knew that! I got to play the Nintendo Edition (the one with Zelda, Mario, animal crossing pieces in it) in my math class.

And I got to play Pokémon Edition in science or math another time. I wish I could own them though..I should start saving my money.
I own the Nintendo Monopoly game but it didn't have any Animal Crossing characters on it. I've played it one or two times. I didn't always want to play the Nintendo version since it's no different from the normal one. I found it neat because it had pictures from the various Nintendo games like Wario World, Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda, and Super Mario Bros.
One of my friends had one of the Nintendo editions, but I never really played it with him.
Monopoly is notorious where I live for being way too long and eventually becomes boring, even with Mario's face pasted on.
Monopoly is also notorious for having lost pieces, so that's always a problem lol!
Maybe I'll buy one some day just to play it!
That sounds cool, but I dont really like Monopoly XD if I did I'd totally want to buy that. But honestly, it doesn't surprise me, I've seen A LOT of kinds of Monopoly, some of them being sort of weird. I'd be more surprised if there was NOT something related to video games, Nintendo, Mario, etc.

I've also seen Mario Bros chess :p
I've seen those before :eek: Monopoly is a really fun game though sometimes it was way to time-consuming and I had troubles learning how to play. I think that all the different kinds of Monopoly are really awesome. Not only Nintendo but a whole bunch of other series too :D Too bad I never got to touch some of those kinds xD
I've never heard of these special editions until now (lel, where have I been?, or maybe they're just NA exclusive?) They sound really awesome though! How would it work with Nintendo characters, though? I'm assuming you get to use small Mario/Link/etc figurines to move around the board or something?. Imagine having a board dedicated to the world of Hyrule! I personally love the original Monopoly game, so playing it with a Nintendo twist would be like a dream come true! <3
I actually happen to have the newer addition of the Nintendo monopoly. While I would love to have the Zelda one as well, it just seems like a bit of a waste of money when actually getting everyone over to play a board game is very nearly impossible (unless it's Christmas, Thanksgiving, or sometimes Easter).