Monster Hunter 3

  • Thread starter Sanyc
  • Start date


PokemonMaster (not really)
Towns Folk
I've started playing the game but it seems a bit complicated to me... any tips?
Witch version MH3Tri or MH3U?
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Just get Jaggi armor and keep playing, if you need any reference go to Kiranico MH3U.
ok thanks,I also saw a begginer's guide on youtube :)
As far as advice goes id say that depends on whether or not you doing a gunner class of a blademaster class because tactics and ultimately play style is dependent on your favorite weapons personally I prefer the Great Sword but ocaassionally on quests where I have to face an enemy that can summon others like the Qurupeco in the playing with fire mission from Port Tanzia I gor with a bow gun with the pellet ammo because of the spray its great for taking out smaller enemys all at once
anyone still playing this online
3U online still has quite a few people on it at any given time
Well don't miss out on armour sets. Get as much armour sites as you can. That's what I always say