The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
once again im here with a grinding guide but for monster hunter stories this time, and once again almost every exp and monster farming 'guide' out there basically equals 'fight a monster or area that already requires you to be powerfully/ perfect equipped' with both your monsters and armors... im no stranger to these annoying shenanigans but im gonna be honest, there needs to be more tips and ideas that people with weaker or imperfect monsters and gear will actually be able to attempt without dying 98 times. took me only around a month of searching to pretty much get nowhere with manageable ideas and grinding methods until i finally found some things out on my own.
HR monster parts& upgrades this is easily the worst thing trying to do post game unfortunately. the only time getting this stuff isnt RNG is if you are able to climb the tower high enough (you need at least 3 perfect monsters for this... yet again), and many of the rare ones dont appear before floor 30 making it a very long and difficult task. but--if you rush your way through high rank dens and speedrun some labyrinth rooms (meaning limited pickups to save time, and avoid unneeded battles. if the game decides to be stubborn with keeping you from escaping just use a smoke bomb). at the end of the early labyrinth rooms there seems to be a very high chance of encountering a sub species (random though but much easier than high tower level) and you need to kill these to get the later upgrades. if you find yourself unexpectedly overwhelmed by a random spawn (such as Black Gravios, this one is easily difficult even on the low rank since youre less powerful during the story), use a smoke bomb or farm more exp and try again if the labyrinth monsters are still too hard. and remember--only fight what you need parts for here and the HR dens to save time and unnecessary work. avoid as much of all others possible
barrel cat exp farming alright maybe more people know about this part, but i solely fight these for exp and nothing else. keep a stash of barrel bombs though if you arent able to do enough damage with your monsters or weapons. if you use an Exp charm i believe you get around 15K exp per kill (sometimes two of these show in one fight!) and there are a number of areas they can be spotted quickly. i use monosonne hinterlands (the big hill) and koapni island big tree root (if i have the name right, you can look it up if dont though) and just warp back and forth until you see one. then just sneak behind them to get the first turn every time, easy 10K+ exp per kill. bring at least 30 barrel bombs though so you dont need to turn around to grind more of these before getting a good amount of exp. these even kill the HR ones in one hit, so theyre easy game since they have such lower exp. i also heard gravios's spread beam can wipe these out as well but i noticed the accuracy on it isnt the best so only do this if youre unable to find oe craft more barrel bombs. i will eventually see if a Black Gravios (the next monster i want) has a powered up version of this but im going to guess the black gravios just does one with a damage increase and same accuracy.
by doing the above i managed to get enough HR upgrades to manage but need some armors to hit 90+ defense. i also powered up enough to get a silver rathalos and gold rathian from the DLC quests since i wasnt sure id be able to get them from the tower (especially since i had a much weaker team at the time). i havent passed floor 10 of the tower yet but i may attempt to later just to get the infinite paw pass as that would be a pretty fun and useful thing to have (requires floor 40 though... urf =( ). im one of the people who cant do this hardcore stuff without a powerful team and im sure theres many others which was why i decided to share this. hope this gets you all off to a better post game start, i had to do a lot of research and actual experimenting to learn and find all this stuff out.
HR monster parts& upgrades this is easily the worst thing trying to do post game unfortunately. the only time getting this stuff isnt RNG is if you are able to climb the tower high enough (you need at least 3 perfect monsters for this... yet again), and many of the rare ones dont appear before floor 30 making it a very long and difficult task. but--if you rush your way through high rank dens and speedrun some labyrinth rooms (meaning limited pickups to save time, and avoid unneeded battles. if the game decides to be stubborn with keeping you from escaping just use a smoke bomb). at the end of the early labyrinth rooms there seems to be a very high chance of encountering a sub species (random though but much easier than high tower level) and you need to kill these to get the later upgrades. if you find yourself unexpectedly overwhelmed by a random spawn (such as Black Gravios, this one is easily difficult even on the low rank since youre less powerful during the story), use a smoke bomb or farm more exp and try again if the labyrinth monsters are still too hard. and remember--only fight what you need parts for here and the HR dens to save time and unnecessary work. avoid as much of all others possible
barrel cat exp farming alright maybe more people know about this part, but i solely fight these for exp and nothing else. keep a stash of barrel bombs though if you arent able to do enough damage with your monsters or weapons. if you use an Exp charm i believe you get around 15K exp per kill (sometimes two of these show in one fight!) and there are a number of areas they can be spotted quickly. i use monosonne hinterlands (the big hill) and koapni island big tree root (if i have the name right, you can look it up if dont though) and just warp back and forth until you see one. then just sneak behind them to get the first turn every time, easy 10K+ exp per kill. bring at least 30 barrel bombs though so you dont need to turn around to grind more of these before getting a good amount of exp. these even kill the HR ones in one hit, so theyre easy game since they have such lower exp. i also heard gravios's spread beam can wipe these out as well but i noticed the accuracy on it isnt the best so only do this if youre unable to find oe craft more barrel bombs. i will eventually see if a Black Gravios (the next monster i want) has a powered up version of this but im going to guess the black gravios just does one with a damage increase and same accuracy.
by doing the above i managed to get enough HR upgrades to manage but need some armors to hit 90+ defense. i also powered up enough to get a silver rathalos and gold rathian from the DLC quests since i wasnt sure id be able to get them from the tower (especially since i had a much weaker team at the time). i havent passed floor 10 of the tower yet but i may attempt to later just to get the infinite paw pass as that would be a pretty fun and useful thing to have (requires floor 40 though... urf =( ). im one of the people who cant do this hardcore stuff without a powerful team and im sure theres many others which was why i decided to share this. hope this gets you all off to a better post game start, i had to do a lot of research and actual experimenting to learn and find all this stuff out.