Most Popular Videogame Character?

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Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
I think the most popular is pacman. Everybody knows him. What character do you think is the most popular?
I would say that the most popular video game character would be Mario or Link in terms when we are talking about Nintendo . Mario has always been a popular mascot in the entire Nintendo franchise and The Legend of Zelda series games are always fantastic . So between those two though , I would choose Link :D
Mario (fairly obvious) because he is the face of video games and he also save video game itself due to the crash of 83 ( E.T for the Atari).
I would have to agree. Mario is technically the face of nintendo. He is the main charecter in every game he comes in and is still going strong since the 70's. Not much other charecters have that kind of love except maybe Yoshi because he is so stankin cute
I think it would have to be Mario or Pacman because, everyone knows who they are I have known Mario longer than Pacman though but I have never seen anybody who does not know who Mario and Pacman. I have known Mario longer than Pacman but some people know Pacman more.
I'm pretty sure it's Mario. Everybody loves mario! \ : D /
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Another person i would consider is Link. He seems to get alot of hype for his games so I would add him as well. Funny i used to think his name was Zelda(OOPS)
I think the most popular video game character is Pikachu! He can be found all over, on TV, cards, and in plushie form, and is generally loveable. He's close to being as widespread as Mario, but more people like him because of his cuteness and his coolness.
You guys, it is mario. Mario is the first nintendo character to be made and influenced all the other nintendo characters. Thank him, this is why he is the mascot and main of nintendo. Also mario games are the best! Mario is also one powerful character and always sells the most.
  • #10
I'd say Mario too. It's one of the rare characters that even if you don't play games, you know who he is.
  • #11
My guess would be Mario because he's the mascot of Nintendo, and Link because there's a lot of Zelda fans.
  • #12
It has to be Mario. Mario is the coverboy of Nintendo and is an absolute household name. Like pacman, mario was an arcade character that many elders will know as well. However, unlike Pacman, Mario is still in his prime, with dozens of his games being released each year as major titles. Not only that but he his appealing to both Children, teens, and adults. I mean c'mon who wouldn't love a plump, italian, pasta eating plumber with only the greater good of the princess and the mushroom kingdom on his mind.;)
  • #13
Link is pretty popular, any person with basic gaming knowledge knows him, besides sometimes being called Zelda... Pikachu is really popular, usually among the younger ones, being the mascot of the Pokèmon anime. And Sonic. Not many people can say they never seen that blue hedgehog anywhere.
  • #14
Mario. Nintendo spams him everywhere and there are loads of references/videos/t-shirts around too.
  • #15
To me, the most popular video game character is Mario, i know i am not discovering anyghing new but every now and then you think about video games it is almost for sure that you think about mario. I remember some time ago, there was a survey done on little children to see who was the most popular character, i think this research also included some tv characters as well, but in the end, Mario was the character most recognized by them.
  • #16
Isn't it obviously Mario? I mean Mario made video game what they are now. So if Mario didn't help video games be as famous as it is now, we'd probably not have the video games we have now.