Support Needed My 3ds L button doesn´t work anymore

  • Thread starter 4362
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Towns Folk
My 3ds things I would press down the L-Button frequently even if I don´t do it
What can I do to fix that?
I had the opposite problem with my ds lite. My l button stopped functioning altogether. So, I could not play some games on my ds :(. Both problems have the same solution. You should get your l button repaired. If your warranty isn't expired, you're in luck:)
Or (prepare yourself this is going to sound stupid) you could try to blow the L-button. (Jup this sounds very weird) Most of time there's just a lot of dust that causes the button to act up weird. Blowing might remove some dust and solve the problem.
One way is to unscrew your 3ds with a screwdriver, check the problem in your L button, fix it and then screw it back on. Your L button should work like normal. (Do this at your own risk. If you aren't good at these things, do NOT do it.
yep, its not so easy to unscrew it and open it up, i know out of experience. But if you can get it open you might be able to put the spring back in place, as that my be the problem. Also if you do take it apart when you lift the top part from the bottom you'll see the springs for the L and R button as the only things that keep them together so dont pull too hard thill that comes loose but manually remove them.


image to illustrate the ribbon cables (This one is from the R-button)