New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
Hello guys! im kinda new here and i want to earn PC fast! so im selling em pokemons. i dont know how people here negotiate though! maybe we can talk about exchanging FCs later.
some pokemons i dont have pictures so i'll just describe them by text!
1) Skill Link Aipom
-Fake Out
-Double Slap
2) Lapras (Shelll Armor)
-Dragon Pulse
3) Amaura (Refrigerate)
-Mirror Coat
4) Piplup (Defiant)
-Feather Dance
-Aqua Ring
5) Zubat (Infiltrator)
-Zen Headbutt
-Brave Bird
6) Chansey (Natural Cure/Serene grace)
-Seismic Toss
7) Charmander (Solar Power)
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Rush
-Dragon Pulse
8) Chimchar (Iron Fist)
-Thunder Punch
-Fire Punch
-Heat Wave
-Blaze Kick
9)Cottonee (Prankster)
-Worry Seed
10) Dedenne (Pickup)
-Natural Gift
-Helping Hand
-Eerie Impulse
11)Emolga (Motor Drive)
-Baton Pass
-Ion Deluge
-Air Slash
-Iron Tail
12)Feebas (oblivious)
-Confuse Ray
-Mirror Coat
-Dragon Pulse
13)Ferroseed (Iron Barbs)
-Leech Seed
-Worry Seed
-Stealth Rock
14)Furfou (Fur Coat)
-Role Play
15) Gastly
-Ice Punch
-Perish Song
16) Gible (Rough skin)
-Rock Climb
-Iron head
-Iron Tail
17) Larvitar (guts)
-Dragon Dance
-Stealth Rock
-Iron head
18) Mareep (static)
-Body Slam
-iron tail
-electric terrain
-odor sleauth
19) Mincinno (Skill link)
-knock off
-aqua tail
20)Pachirisu (volt absorb)
-ion deluge
-follow me
21) Phanpy (pickup)
-ancient power
-ice shard
-play rough
22)psyduck (cloud nine)
-cross chop
23)Ralts (trace)
-Destiny bond
-confuse ray
-shadow sneak
24)riolu (inner focus)
-blaze kick
-bullet punch
-hi jump kick
25)sableye (prankster)
-nasty plot
-sucker punch
26) scyther (technician)
-baton pass
27)skarmory (sturdy)
-stealth rock
-brave bid
28)snivy (overgrow)
-iron tail
-mirror coat
29)swinub (thick fat)
-stealth rock
-icicle crash
-icicle spear
30)teddiursa (quick feet)
-night slash
-metal claw
-close combat
-seismic toss
31)torchic (speed boost)
-crush claw
-night slash
-baton pass
-low kick
32) Treecko (Overgrow)
-Razor wind
-Dragon Breath
-Magical Leaf
i have many more but i havent finished breeding their 3rd/4th eggmove yet. is 5PC each ok? sorry im still newbie here.
some pokemons i dont have pictures so i'll just describe them by text!
1) Skill Link Aipom
-Fake Out
-Double Slap
2) Lapras (Shelll Armor)
-Dragon Pulse
3) Amaura (Refrigerate)
-Mirror Coat
4) Piplup (Defiant)
-Feather Dance
-Aqua Ring
5) Zubat (Infiltrator)
-Zen Headbutt
-Brave Bird
6) Chansey (Natural Cure/Serene grace)
-Seismic Toss
7) Charmander (Solar Power)
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Rush
-Dragon Pulse
8) Chimchar (Iron Fist)
-Thunder Punch
-Fire Punch
-Heat Wave
-Blaze Kick
9)Cottonee (Prankster)
-Worry Seed
10) Dedenne (Pickup)
-Natural Gift
-Helping Hand
-Eerie Impulse
11)Emolga (Motor Drive)
-Baton Pass
-Ion Deluge
-Air Slash
-Iron Tail
12)Feebas (oblivious)
-Confuse Ray
-Mirror Coat
-Dragon Pulse
13)Ferroseed (Iron Barbs)
-Leech Seed
-Worry Seed
-Stealth Rock
14)Furfou (Fur Coat)
-Role Play
15) Gastly
-Ice Punch
-Perish Song
16) Gible (Rough skin)
-Rock Climb
-Iron head
-Iron Tail
17) Larvitar (guts)
-Dragon Dance
-Stealth Rock
-Iron head
18) Mareep (static)
-Body Slam
-iron tail
-electric terrain
-odor sleauth
19) Mincinno (Skill link)
-knock off
-aqua tail
20)Pachirisu (volt absorb)
-ion deluge
-follow me
21) Phanpy (pickup)
-ancient power
-ice shard
-play rough
22)psyduck (cloud nine)
-cross chop
23)Ralts (trace)
-Destiny bond
-confuse ray
-shadow sneak
24)riolu (inner focus)
-blaze kick
-bullet punch
-hi jump kick
25)sableye (prankster)
-nasty plot
-sucker punch
26) scyther (technician)
-baton pass
27)skarmory (sturdy)
-stealth rock
-brave bid
28)snivy (overgrow)
-iron tail
-mirror coat
29)swinub (thick fat)
-stealth rock
-icicle crash
-icicle spear
30)teddiursa (quick feet)
-night slash
-metal claw
-close combat
-seismic toss
31)torchic (speed boost)
-crush claw
-night slash
-baton pass
-low kick
32) Treecko (Overgrow)
-Razor wind
-Dragon Breath
-Magical Leaf
i have many more but i havent finished breeding their 3rd/4th eggmove yet. is 5PC each ok? sorry im still newbie here.