Towns Folk
So I took my ps2 apart at least 3 weeks ago to clean it, I put it back together and I hbnt been able to play on it since then (school , homework blah blah) so I put in Spider-Man 2 into the disc drive and it didn't play, I figured oh it might be scratched or something. Then I put in ape escape 3. I too very good care of my copy of ae3 and it has virtually no scratches and looks completely new, so when it didn't read I knew something was wrong. I'll post I picture of the internals. Me personally I see nothing wrong but you can tell me, I'll try to upload a video but I'm not sure if I can. I put In a disk, it it spins and stops 5 times consecutively then spins very slowly for about 30 seconds. During the full spin it makes a (clears throat) er er er er mm er er er erememem er. Any advice
Here's a video of exactly what's happening, I don't have any games that army on a did rom drive so I ca t prove if those work sorry
Here's a video of exactly what's happening, I don't have any games that army on a did rom drive so I ca t prove if those work sorry
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