Need help deciding what to get!

  • Thread starter Tho
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An old-school gamer & anime freak!
Banned User
I've been saving up to get Monster Hunter Generations when it's coming out, but I checked the Nintendo eShop earlier and I saw that there are four games that got a permanent price drop and all were in my "To get" list! The games are:
-Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (20€)
-Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (10€)
-Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Milenium Girl (10€)
-Soul Hackers (10€)

I'm definitely getting the Persona one, but I want to know if the two Etrian Odyssey games are too similar to one another or they are both worth getting (I loved both of the demos by the way) and also how good is Soul Hackers! I have played every Megami Tensei game there is except for the Soul series, so I need someone to tell me whether it's good or not and whether it's better than SMT4 (which I already have)!

I'm thinking of getting either everything or everything except Soul Hackers! What do you people suggest? Money isn't really a problem since I got a lot saved up, but I just want to get those that will be the most fun to play!

EDIT: Almost forgot, if you can, tell me how many blocks each will take up! I have over a dozen full games on my SD card, so I only have about 35000 blocks left (can delete demos for 4000 more if needed)!

EDIT2: After checking for how many blocks each game takes, I realized I can only get everything except Soul Hackers or everything except one of the Etrian Odysseys! What do you people think is the best choice? And no, I'm not gonna get a larger SD card to fit them all since the one I have now is already a 64GB one!
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I think you should skip one of the Etrian Odysseys and get everything else. Both games are quite similar, so simply get the longer game (Millennium Girl is slightly longer). The soul series is great, probably just as good as SMT4. All these games will last you quite a whole, so I suggest you choose this combo so it is more varied in terms of style and story.
I got Persona Q and Etrian Odyssey Untold yesterday morning! I plan on getting Etrian Odyssey IV or Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 next (since I really like EO:U so far) along with one of the 5th anniversary discounts and everyone I've asked so far has told me that Soul Hackers is just a bad game overall, so I'll stay with SMT 4 since I have that! This way, I can just barely fit both Zero Time Dilemma and Monster Hunter Generations on my SD card when they come out! After all this though, I'll only have ~500 blocks left! Anyway, thanks for the reply, although a bit late!