New DLC ideas

  • Thread starter Merfmo
  • Start date


The Hero of Trains
Towns Folk
I sat and I wondered, "what characters could be?". In Super Smash Bros., DLC.
I sat and I wondered, "what characters could be?". In Super Smash Bros., DLC.
Nothing, smash is done with dlcs.
They stated the cloud, bayonetta and corren presentation was the last, they wouldn't introduce a new character without any footage.
I don't see why they would make standalone stage dlcs, unless they made some bundle, which would only work with some footage. If any more stages were going to be added, it would come as an update, which i prefer, because dlcs are done, for better or worse.
I think they should put blazikin, swampert, and sceptile in. Plus a Hoenn based level.
Nothing, smash is done with dlcs.
They stated the cloud, bayonetta and corren presentation was the last, they wouldn't introduce a new character without any footage.
I don't see why they would make standalone stage dlcs, unless they made some bundle, which would only work with some footage. If any more stages were going to be added, it would come as an update, which i prefer, because dlcs are done, for better or worse.
I don't think he's asking for DLC. He's just wondering who could make a good addition fighter. Wishful thinking.

And as for who could be a possible candidate, I would choose the main four heroes of Bravely Default. The main costume would be Tiz with the others being Anges, Ringabel, and Edea (the other four costumes can be them in different jobs). Their specials can be from the different jobs and their abilities (Ex: Up Special being Jump and Side Special being Throw). There's a lot from the game that can be implemented in Smash.
I think they should put blazikin, swampert, and sceptile in. Plus a Hoenn based level.
That would seem like too much. Might as well just make another pokemon trainer like they had in ssbb and make them all one character. Although the stage thing seems cool.
Anyway, being an earthbound fan I think that Claus would be cool. I just think that there are too many characters from other series and nin10do aren't giving mother enough credit. My opinion is really bias though, soo...