New Gameplay Footage & Details on Final Fantasy Explorers

  • Thread starter Reece
  • Start date


There has been SO MANY Final Fantasy Explorers updates that have been coming out recently, and I decided to make this new thread to just update it (since the other thread I was using got outdated). Let me know what you think about these updates, and gameplay footages:

To begin with, Square-Enix have confirmed that Archer and Paladin will be jobs in Final Fantasy Explorers, not much else is known about these newly confirmed classes, but do expect something in either Famitsu/TCG in the future!

Gameplay for the class- Chevalier:
Gameplay for the class- Black Mage:
To top it all off, Final Fantasy Explorers is said to be released on December 18th in Japan, the date was first announced on Japanese Magazine, Jump! This is what they also shared in the magazine's FFE issue:

-Time Mage can use support magic to help allies
- Ninjas use speed to their advantage
- New summons in Jump
- Ramuh: uses electric attacks and teleporting abilities to give players a hard time
- Fenrir: its speed is second to none, and it will use water-based magic to damage players
- “Trance” system: powerful ability that lets you do things like temporarily pull off special attacks without using AP or temporarily gain increased parameters

I'm personally excited for the new summons: Ramuh and Fenrir, I remember Ramuh being in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance :love:. So, let me know what you think about these updates, and are you planning/looking forward to getting the game if a localization does occur?
I am definitely getting this game! Looks so amazing and it's final fantasy i can't say no! Reece do you know if this game is multiplayer? because if it is then i am going to be playing this game all day with my friends haha XD. so awesome! There is to many games i want that are coming out and i have to wait for them all. :~: sobs
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I love the addition of these classes. The Chevalier seems a lot similar to the Knight Class you unlock in Bravely Default :D
I am also excited for the Fenrir summon, and I hope that this game will have online multiplayer :love:
I would surely pick this game up if it gets a localizatiom.
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The second wave of updates came faster than I thought, so let me jump right into it: this batch of updates gives more details on the Resonance feature, and Libertus:

Resonance feature
- Can’t be activated
- It’s instead something that responds to continuous use of abilities of all the Explorers
- The number over the Crystal icon located on the top-left of the screen increases after hitting an enemy or helping an ally
- Different benefits that Explorers can get by continuously increasing this number
- Ex: having higher Resonance numbers could help you do more damage against enemies or heal your allies better
- Once you stop using abilities for a while, the number will start going down

- Once again, this is the home town and base of operations
- The central building is a facility where an organization called Union manages their business of giving Explorers tasks and other jobs
- To the left is the reception area of the Union’s building
- Explorers can get work at the reception area
- Item store, workshop, and fortune-teller also in Libertus
- Moogle tent as well
- Unclear what the Moogle tent’s purpose is

The two new classes that I mentioned earlier finally been unfold, these are the details to these new classes:

- High defense
- Play the role of a tank
- Paladins are best with physical and magic attacks
- Lack of mobility
- Paladins stick around on the frontlines as a shield for the party
- “Absolute Domain”: protect themselves and allies around them from enemy attacks
- Paladins can also provide the party with some support
- “Deflect”: lets them use their shield to defend attacks from enemies
- This is their go-to move as a tank
- “Spinning Edge”: offensive move; hits enemies around them

- Long-ranged damage-dealers
- Not as strong as the melee damage-dealers, but they can use various status inflicting attacks
- Their defense is on the lower side
- This means they’re not so great at close-ranged combat
- Rangers can attack from a distance
- “Abyss Shot”: do different effects like poison or paralysis
- “Arrow Rain”: recommended to use when the tank gets hate from the monsters
I'm sure you avid JRPG/Final Fantasy fans already knew the details to these classes anyways, :giggle:

We've also got a new summoning announced, the infamous:

Shiva the “Ice Queen”

- Located in the the dim cave known as the Tinz Underpass
- Players fight her here
- There are crystal-like parts throughout the cave, along with plenty of water-based monsters
- Shiva’s exact location is at the Tinz Lake
- Tinz Lake is dark and cold, and seems to be covered entirely in ice
- There’s also a throne-like object that is made of ice
- Shiva is covered by an extremely cold aura that puts a freezing effect on anyone who gets near
- Once you’re in a freeze status, your movement will be limited
- She also has moves like “Blizzard” and “Frozen World” that brings out spikes made of ice from the ground
- “Diamond Dust” ability for Shiva as well

Nothing too knew, just wanted to post it up before I forgot, let me know what you think again. :)
I'm interested whether this action-RPG is fast, medium, or slow-paced. At least we have Monster Hunter and Fantasy Life to compare, or if you wanna add, God Eater and Ragnarok Odyssey. But I bet it will be fast/medium-paced; maybe like FF XII.
I'm interested whether this action-RPG is fast, medium, or slow-paced. At least we have Monster Hunter and Fantasy Life to compare, or if you wanna add, God Eater and Ragnarok Odyssey. But I bet it will be fast/medium-paced; maybe like FF XII.
Ooo! I like that interpretation of the game (being something similar to Final Fantasy XII), I know that game got A LOT of hate for it's battle style, but I really loved it, I thought it was nice and innovative because it was just new to the FF series, and brought a different feel.

I think they'll bring it over to North America/Europe (I hope), I see Youtubers/Bloggers hyped up for the game, and it'll be a huge loss if they didn't localize this.
I think they'll bring it over to North America/Europe (I hope), I see Youtubers/Bloggers hyped up for the game, and it'll be a huge loss if they didn't localize this.
I don't know though, because people can consider FF Explorer as a spin-off; but yes, action-RPG fans are excited about this. Not many action-RPGs in 3DS that have multiplayer mode (like Monster Hunter and the upcoming Fantasy Life).
Wow, this is a pretty huge deal for me:
Apparently, those who pre-order Final Fantasy Explorers in Japan, will also obtain a downloadable code for Final Fantasy 1 (for the Nintendo 3DS, VC) but it's unknown if it's a direct port or if it has been enhanced specifically for the console. Also quare-Enix will be releasing a prologue of the game on the day of the full game’s release.

Even though this is "Japan news" I'm still extremely excited, I hope we get Final Fantasy 1 on the NA/EU 3DS eShop, I have a gut feeling that Final Fantasy Explorers would be localized here in NA and EU, so I also hope that we get that same kinda deal! :)
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*Cheers with @Reece hehe :cat: *
  • #10
I've given up all hope in square, they just want all our monies, putting cloud in the newest trailer (WTF - just give us cloud in a FF7 remake)
But saying that, if this does come to NA/EU I will buy this day one and they will milk me for more of my moula.

Considering 1 got a HD remake on PSP & Mobile - if it doesn't get the enhanced treatment then my love for square really will be all gone.
  • #11
Honestly these FF explorers is the rpg game for those fan of Final Fantasy that waiting a long time for these game to came out..I played the FF rings of fates ds version and really love the gameplay , now currently waiting the FF explorers...
There has been SO MANY Final Fantasy Explorers updates that have been coming out recently, and I decided to make this new thread to just update it (since the other thread I was using got outdated). Let me know what you think about these updates, and gameplay footages:

To begin with, Square-Enix have confirmed that Archer and Paladin will be jobs in Final Fantasy Explorers, not much else is known about these newly confirmed classes, but do expect something in either Famitsu/TCG in the future!

Gameplay for the class- Chevalier:
Gameplay for the class- Black Mage:
To top it all off, Final Fantasy Explorers is said to be released on December 18th in Japan, the date was first announced on Japanese Magazine, Jump! This is what they also shared in the magazine's FFE issue:

-Time Mage can use support magic to help allies
- Ninjas use speed to their advantage
- New summons in Jump
- Ramuh: uses electric attacks and teleporting abilities to give players a hard time
- Fenrir: its speed is second to none, and it will use water-based magic to damage players
- “Trance” system: powerful ability that lets you do things like temporarily pull off special attacks without using AP or temporarily gain increased parameters

I'm personally excited for the new summons: Ramuh and Fenrir, I remember Ramuh being in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance :love:. So, let me know what you think about these updates, and are you planning/looking forward to getting the game if a localization does occur?
Looking these information and details of the game ..really attract my attention to focus for FF explorers.. Thumbs up for FFE..:D
  • #12
I'm really looking forward to this, kinda reminds me of FFXIV:ARR :D
But i assume it won't be a MMO, but you can play with your friends like MHU4
  • #13
I'm very excited about this game. Hopefully it will be localize soon after the japanese version released. And i hope that the gameplay will be fast face just like any other action rpg games that's out in other console.
  • #14
Or maybe like FF:XIV ARR :D
I can't wait for this game to come out, i'm boarding in this hype train :)