New IP and 3DS Game! (Code Name: S.T.E.A.M)

  • Thread starter Reece
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Code Name: STEAM is a new turn-based strategy game from Shigeru Miyamoto.
(Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace)

This is the live-comment, explaining the events that is taking place in the 3DS Press-Conference (start at the bottom then make your way up)

NOTE: This will be really boring (the comments). Tomorrow, they'll release gameplay on their live-stream, I'll upload it here when it gets released. :woot:

These live-comments are explaining the video that has been shown at the very beginning (the 3DS game):


This was when two developers were explaining the game, and some digital illustrations were shown :



The last part of the presentation, the're now going to Live Q&As.

(I'll stop for now, I'll be watching the live-comment feed, and let you know if anything interesting takes place)
EDIT: Interesting questions in the Live Q&A:
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Can I post this here, separately from all the comments (don't want to have it all mixed up :bag: )
Some new screen-shots have been leaked:


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I don't understand is it related to steam
I don't understand is it related to steam

S.T.E.A.M. is an abbreviation of the full title. Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace.
so it's not related to the steam game company it's only a game name
so it's not related to the steam game company it's only a game name
Yes, it's a Nintendo IP, has nothing to do with "Steam Game Company"..

This is the box-art for the newly announced game:
I was lucky to be around at the time this was being updated :). Abe Lincoln :giggle:

It looks great; I'm glad it's a 3DS game :D The screenshots are :thumbsup:
The game looks great, I really love turn based Strategy games. I hope it has a good multiplayer mode.
Finally some game-play footage, take a look:
  • #10
Ok, my last update for this game, remember all this:


This was when two developers were explaining the game, and some digital illustrations were shown :



The last part of the presentation, the're now going to Live Q&As.

(I'll stop for now, I'll be watching the live-comment feed, and let you know if anything interesting takes place)
EDIT: Interesting questions in the Live Q&A:
Well this is the real event:
  • #11
you can find the game's opening here:

The game reminds me heavily of valkyria chronicles and I'm completely hyped for this.
  • #12
I've never heard of this game, but it looks great from those two short clips. I have a feeling this game will be very story-oriented, with action scenes filling in the gaps. I'd like to see some more gameplay because I really didn't get how you're supposed to play or what you are supposed to do. I guess I'll find out by watching more videos.
  • #13
Looks like a cool game, great IP to build on if they really intend on making sequels and such. I don't think I'll play it, maybe if I can get it cheap because it looks a little bit boring - however, the whole story looks quite good to me, reminds me of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D but these guys are a whole lot more weird.
  • #14
Interesting, a new IP from Shigeru. I wasn't really interested before, but now that I know he's behind it, it has my attention.