New Nintendo console on its way to 2017

  • Thread starter EstebanTill2
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
Hello dear fellows. Today I just got to know that all the rumoured nintendo snes classic edition has become true, nintendo has finally announced the console! Apparently, nintendo is planning to reléase it on september 29th 2017 and its Price would be 79,99. It will include 21 games and one of those is going to be the never released star fox 2.
Anyway here I left you the link with the actual information and then you let me know, are you hyped by the snes classic or are you more of the kind: hey nintendo what´supp mann!!

I think it is difficult to get an opinión in this case, because I could easily say hey nintendo you already have like 3 consoles on the market, so why don´t you concéntrate on those rather than launching new consoles, but we must not forget the well acclaimed nes classic edition and its well received success. So I am thinking about getting one!
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To be fair, there's no word yet if Nintendo is going to be producing anymore after the year's end. Essentially this will be a holiday gift like the NES Classic Mini before it, except this time there will be more units produced now that they know what they're standing on.

EDIT: Or not, it seems. Either Nintendo is purposefully trolling its customers at the expense of its integrity and/or potential money this could rake in, or they're probably stockpiling as much as they can for September 30th, hence why there's been no pre-orders since.
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