New Taiko Drum Master 3DS Game Announced from Japan

  • Thread starter jams3223
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The Task Blanker
Towns Folk
After a debut album (released in 2012) sold more than 500,000 copies, Taiko Drum Master series is set to make his return to 3DS with Taiko Drum Master: Don and Katsu's Space-Time Great Adventure.
Unlike opus on Wii U, Taiko Drum Master: Don and Katsu's Space-Time Great Adventure will take the form of a traditional RPG, but with sequences of rhythm game for fighting.
Screenshots unveiled earlier this week by Namco Bandai-allow us to discover areas to explore in 3D, but also several of the characters in this high adventure in color. Our hero has much to do during his journey through time, since it will include a giant dinosaur face for less threatening.
It looks like a Japanese Adventure Time :p

An RPG with rhythm game sequences for fighting? Cute idea. I hope the fights aren't simply the 'sit back and press a button every 3 seconds' kind though. Otherwise, the character seems cute and the dinosaur is cool.

@TAG look! There's a PureNintendo icon in the bottom-right corner of the dino pic! We love your site! :cat:
Haha I love this game too
Well, we don't have many chances to get a Western Release, though. But the game looks good, and I've already heard about it.