Next Games?

  • Thread starter .:*Alex*:.
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(*) I want a battle! (*)
Towns Folk
What do you think will be next games for the Nintendo 3DS?
I think a lot. I can´t not really tell xP

I will like a comment like...:

Do you like most of them?:
Are the good games?:

I´m not sure, but I think it will be games about adventures. Because everyone likes adventures! :)
There really needs to be a F-Zero for 3DS. It is the ONLY nintendo series that isnt on 3DS! I would also love to see a new Rhythm Heaven game.
What about Pikmin?
Well Pikmin really only works on home consoles. I dont really know if I could see a Pikmin game on 3DS. The off-tv play with the gamepad is kinda how I would imagine it would work, but it would feel really awkward to control and throw pikmin on such a tiny screen.