next gen console?

  • Thread starter Lotad Lover
  • Start date
Lotad Lover

Lotad Lover

Lover of the mighty Lotad god.
Towns Folk
Both the wii u and 3ds probably both have a few years left in them but what do you think the next gen console will be like? What do you want on it from previous consoles and what do you want to be scrapped?
I still think that the Wii U and the 3ds still have plenty more years in them knowing that there is still the New 3ds XL and upcoming games . But I'm not really sure what a new console may look like if there is one . Nintendo really is very surprising in many ways and I would really look forward of what is in stock . But for now , I will rather stick with the 3ds/Wii u eras
With the New 3DS and the fact that the Wii U is JUSt starting to have great games, I think this generation will last for a little while longer than the previous one... I might expect Sony and Microsoft to release their next console before Nintendo maybe? With the Wii U fiasco, maybe Nintendo will check back theyr marketing program... =/

Otherwise, to be honest... I'd like to see the Wii U gamepad more ergonomic... I sincerely loathe it because I have small hands and can't find any single way to hold it in a comfortable way...

For the Handheld, I'd like to see the C stick be an actual stik and now a pressure sensitive button.
I want the next Nintendo portable:
- HD and 3D, of course.
- With two circle pads of the same size.
- REGION FREE, for God's sake!!!

If you let me dream, I want FULL HD graphics or even 4K. If you let me dream even more, I want Holographic 3D :p