NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
My original Cosmo Black Nintendo 3DS is turning about 4 years old, and boy, it has been through everything. It's a rebel. The 3D on it is completely jammed, which unfortunately makes it on all of the time. A deep scratch in the middle of the touch screen. The outer shell-thing on the top screen is crumbling apart in every way. The volume can be turned off, and sometimes it lightly turns on, which scares the crap out of me. R button is very sticky, X and A buttons have cracks in them. The system creeks when I open and close it. Home button is caved in, only works about half the time, and I have to push hard. Circle Pad is very loose. And scratches. Everywhere. Thankfully, I'll be getting a New Nintendo 3DS XL for Christmas. If you thought your Nintendo 3DS was in bad shape, well, there is much worse. I hope the new New 3DS XL I'm getting won't be near as bad as would be in the future.