Nintendo confirms - There WILL be more Nintendo Directs

  • Thread starter DrakeJericho
  • Start date


Dark-Winged Doppelgänger
Towns Folk
Following the death of former president Mr. Satoru Iwata, who was also the main host and producer of the Nintendo Direct episodes, many fans questioned to if Nintendo Directs would ever continue.

Today, Nintendo spoke with IGN, and confirmed that they will continue producing Nintendo Direct episodes.

When? That has yet to be determined.
Yes!!! I am so happy, more Nintendo directs! This means more game announcements and more details on new games!!!
I didn't really think they'd end it >.<

The real question is, will they be as good as the previous ones? :panda:
I didn't really think they'd end it >.<

The real question is, will they be as good as the previous ones? :panda:
Lets hope so
Didn't expect them to go away forever, though I do think they'll be very different from here on out.

hoping for one next month because we don't know jack squat about mario tennis or amiibo festival
I honestly never thought that they will end it. The eshop has been the place (besides Social Media sites/forums) for many to see what is knew. I hope that next month or sooner we will have a new Nintendo direct. Hopefully the newer ones will be as good like when Mr. Iwata was around.
Nintendo tends to think of E3 like nintendo directs so nintendo directs would be perfect to announce new games and such. I think that legend of Zelda details will also be revealed in the next nintendo direct that is going to happen. The question is, who will direct it? Iwata always made them positive, I hope Miyamoto does them instead!