Nintendo Direct scheduled for September 4th - Pokemon X and Y Exclusive

  • Thread starter dilawer
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The Villain in Green
Towns Folk
Hey guys,
With just a month in the launch of new Pokemon X/Y games. Nintendo has scheduled the "Pokemon Direct" for tomorrow. Don't forget to tune into Nintendo Direct to get your dose of upcoming Pokemon Awesomeness.

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That's great. I'm looking forward to news on Pokemon X.
That's great. I'm looking forward to news on Pokemon X.
So, I take that you're going to get Pokemon X. xD Well, I'm going for Pokemon Y. You and I can trade exclusive Pokemon. ;)
So, I take that you're going to get Pokemon X. xD Well, I'm going for Pokemon Y. You and I can trade exclusive Pokemon. ;)
I know. It seems more people are going for Pokemon Y, but personally I'm more interested in Pokemon X.
And don't get too hopeful, it's highly unlikely that I'll find it in a shop anytime soon following its release. :cry:
I know. It seems more people are going for Pokemon Y, but personally I'm more interested in Pokemon X.
And don't get too hopeful, it's highly unlikely that I'll find it in a shop anytime soon following its release. :cry:
Well, I have a perfect shop for you to get the game from. It's called eShop, haha. It'll be available on eShop from the first day of it's launch, I've heard.
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Well, I have a perfect shop for you to get the game from. It's called eShop, haha. It'll be available on eShop from the first day of it's launch, I've heard.
You made a funny. :)
It's 1.7 GB though, and my 2GB SD card can't handle that. And I'd prefer to buy the retail version.
Sounds good. I'm assuming they will do it in the morning?
You made a funny. :)
It's 1.7 GB though, and my 2GB SD card can't handle that. And I'd prefer to buy the retail version.
Oh, Yeah, I have a 2GB SD card as well. But I'm going to get an 8/16GB one soon. If the game was available on first day (Retail) version here, I'd get it too but it won't be available for a month or so, I guess thus I have to get the eShop version. You won't believe how much you can miss out in a month in Pokemon. xD
Sounds good. I'm assuming they will do it in the morning?
I'm guessing near about 6 AM for you. Not sure but it will be around that time.
  • #10
Can't wait for this Direct. I wonder what they'll talk about, :unsure:
  • #11
Can't wait for this Direct. I wonder what they'll talk about, :unsure:
I'm hoping they'll show of a couple new Pokemon and some extra features we haven't seen in a Pokemon game before. That'd be awesome. ;)
  • #12
I'm guessing near about 6 AM for you. Not sure but it will be around that time.

Ok, that would be 8AM for me... In school... T_T
  • #13
I want this game so badly right now. . . I'm doing the same thing that many others are doing; getting an upgraded SD card for this. I would purchase the game at a local retailer near me on release, however, no stores are open on midnight, so I'd rather buy it on Eshop then play it all day the next day after it downloads. xD
  • #14
Nintendo Pokemon Direct - 04.09.2013

Pokemon Bank & Transporter app:
You can transfer your Pokemon from Pokemon Black/White/Black2/White2 to your Pokemon X/Y game through Pokemon Transporter app. These Pokemon will then be stored in Pokemon Bank (up to 3000) from where you can choose any Pokemon you want to download (transfer) to your Pokemon X/Y game. However, it cost money and you must first purchase the app.

3 New (Old) Starter Pokemon: If you were already hating on the latest 6th gen Starter Pokemon then luckily, Nintendo has announced 3 extra starters that you can choose from, *Drum roll* The Original Red & Blue trio, the Mighty Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. That's not it, these 3 Original starters will also have Mega evolution. Check out the Trailer below to see them in action.

Special Edition Pokemon X/Y 3DS XL: The Special Edition of Pokemon X/Y 3DS XL which was first announced for Japan will be available in North America and Europe as well.
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  • #15
Okay, the first idea is really bad.
You can't cheat on Pokemon X/Y, but with that (paying) you can transfer cheated pokemons...
  • #16
Mega Charizard! It's like a better version of Reshiram!
I want this game. . . right now. . .
The other two starters for me look strange, but whatever. I'm just such a Charizard fanboy. ~
  • #17
Mega Charizard! It's like a better version of Reshiram!
I want this game. . . right now. . .
The other two starters for me look strange, but whatever. I'm just such a Charizard fanboy. ~
Yeah! That's awesome. Charizard is my favorite Pokemon and with Mega Evolution he Also gains "Drought" ability, so it'll be a must have for Rain teams. I like when they give extra abilities to our beloved OG starters. :D
  • #18
This special Nintendo Direct was really cool. I enjoyed watching every bit of it. I'm still undecided whether I should get the game or not, but seeing that Squirtle is in the game, I think I might just get it.
  • #19
This special Nintendo Direct was really cool. I enjoyed watching every bit of it. I'm still undecided whether I should get the game or not, but seeing that Squirtle is in the game, I think I might just get it.
Yeah! totally this was the first Direct ever that I have watched completely and wasn't bored a bit. It was exciting. I'm glad you like Squirtle! :D
  • #20
The announcement of the first generation Pokémon being in the games was what really got me pumped for the games.