Nintendo gamer to PC gamer

  • Thread starter Furnix
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Waster of Play Coins
Towns Folk
Hi guys... I have noticed that I am sort of straying away from nintendo games.
I love them SO MUCH but it's just that I can't buy new consoles all the time. I recently bought the Wii U after I don't even know how long of saving but when I bought it I was just sorta like crap... I need to buy some games.
So the Wii U is just sitting around gathering dust. I also have a 2DS (because its cheaper than 3DS) with 3 games.
The games are REALLY FUN! But... I just can't afford many games for both 2DS and Wii U. And with the NX coming soon I am pretty sad because it is probably replacing the Wii U which I only got a little while ago.
I am not planning on getting it ever. I am gonna stick with Wii U and 2DS for as long as possible.
I play PC games a lot and I am sort of transitioning into a full PC gamer.
PC can play tons of games from Xbox, PS and PC only games. I really like keyboard and mouse too and the games are cheap.
Once the 2DS and Wii U get completely replaced I am probably going to become a full PC Gamer. I will go back to Nintendo and maybe buy some gems for older consoles every once in a while that I wanted.
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Reactions: amirally27
You know, you can get an emulator for your PC. I think that emulating games is a cheaper option than buying it for the actual console so, thats always an option if you still like Nintendo games!
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Reactions: Furnix
You know, you can get an emulator for your PC. I think that emulating games is a cheaper option than buying it for the actual console so, thats always an option if you still like Nintendo games!
Yeah but you can't emulate the newer games for 3DS/Wii U and they are sooo expensive!
At one point sometime last year, I did go into PC Gaming much to because I found they were fun. I didn't have much 3ds games, but still I'd always find fun playing them over and over :p But then PC Gaming got way too time-consuming so I abruptly stopped. Nintendo games are always very simplistic in their own ways in time which was why I got back into it, though never really straying away from it completely :p
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Reactions: Furnix
Steam is wonderful, the discounts and Team Fortress 2 lured me into the PC Master Race and I occasionally buy Nintendo games (usually go for longer ones like Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros which I have 30 hours on and I'm still going), and the fact that PC now gets most of the third-party games and indies thanks to Steam ushering in a resurgance in PC's popularity and relevance makes PC the perfect 2nd console for me so I only need to buy Nintendo consoles for the exclusives because I'm not really into Sony and Microsoft's exclusives.

Steam is a godsend xD
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Reactions: Furnix
You know, you can get an emulator for your PC. I think that emulating games is a cheaper option than buying it for the actual console so, thats always an option if you still like Nintendo games!

Sure, stealing is always less expensive...

@Eyeballz60 you don't have to choose between PC and console, I do both. I get games when I can. I have an X360 controller always wired to my PC, so I can have the console feeling while playing PC ^^
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Reactions: Furnix
Emulators are not stealing. Its only if you download the games without paying. There are emulator sites that you can buy games from. The only catch is that you cannot get any systems that have come out in the last 2 years or so. But thats really it.
Emulators are stealing, you get for free a software that allows you to emulate a paid hardware. And 2 years is not enough at all, no gaming system stops selling after 2 years ^^' So after 2 years, every sale they don't make for an emulator is a direct loss.

It's not just about the games, the hardware is worth something too. And emulator websites that sell games? That sounds quite iffy...
Emulators are stealing, you get for free a software that allows you to emulate a paid hardware. And 2 years is not enough at all, no gaming system stops selling after 2 years ^^' So after 2 years, every sale they don't make for an emulator is a direct loss.

It's not just about the games, the hardware is worth something too. And emulator websites that sell games? That sounds quite iffy...
Well, thats what I learned from my research...guess it was wrong =/
  • #10
It doesn't mean you're wrong, I might be wrong too!

I can speak for Nintendo:

They do not approve of this. I don't know about Sony and Microsoft, though. Anyhoo, we are off topic, but I wouldn't mind continuing this discussion ^^
  • #11
It doesn't mean you're wrong, I might be wrong too!

I can speak for Nintendo:

They do not approve of this. I don't know about Sony and Microsoft, though. Anyhoo, we are off topic, but I wouldn't mind continuing this discussion ^^

Yeah your right. Although, they dont really make and sell classic gameboys anymore, and I know alot of people who have that emulator. I dont personally use emulators, for they are not very comfortable to control and, like you said, I like supporting the companys of which I play. But good to know, if I had not have had this discussion with you, I might have been doing something illegal in the future! Thank goodness lol
  • #12
Steam is wonderful, the discounts and Team Fortress 2 lured me into the PC Master Race and I occasionally buy Nintendo games (usually go for longer ones like Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros which I have 30 hours on and I'm still going), and the fact that PC now gets most of the third-party games and indies thanks to Steam ushering in a resurgance in PC's popularity and relevance makes PC the perfect 2nd console for me so I only need to buy Nintendo consoles for the exclusives because I'm not really into Sony and Microsoft's exclusives.

Steam is a godsend xD

Yeah steam is the best