Nintendo is taking the risk of becoming another Sega

  • Thread starter Morimoto
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Do you think Nintendo is doing a Sega if the NX releases on 2016?

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Pokemon Trainer
Towns Folk
I like Nintendo, but what they are doing with the NX worries me. If the NX releases on 2016, the install base of Wii U (in other words, NIntendo's entire home console consumers) will most likely get angry at them (more likely the recent buyers) and will lose their confidence on the Nintendo brand. They wont buy NX and move to its competitors.
Sega did that with the Dreamcast, and they became third party

But, a 2017 release is more acceptable to consumers.

I dont want Nintendo to go down the path of being another Sega.

I like the Wii U and I am enjoying it. But I would be buying a PS4
I agree with that. I believe it is way to early for another console release. I mean not only did Sega do that, you can take a look at Sont and see that they did the same thing. They choose a very inopportune time to release the PS Vita and it hasn't done so well. The Nintendo brand has out sold the Vita by a lot.
Yeah, way too early, we still are waiting for a new zelda homeconsole game and nintendo already wants to sell a new console. Ridiclous. I mean, i understand that the wiiu is kinda a failure with the sales and all being worse than the GCN, but really they should not abandon the steady growth of people still buying wiiu's. Also, i feel like now nintendo can have one last effort at attempting to boost the wiiu sales, and thats a zelda u bundle, but i feel a joint release will hurt both consoles sales while increasing the games sales.
Chances are the NX will be a 2017 or 2018 release, allowing the Wii U to live for a while before letting the NX take over. If it is released this year then there may be issues about it, and we wouldn't like that. It's not that they're gonna become another SEGA but they're probably cutting into another consoles life which I hope isn't the case because the wii u just started getting popular titles just recently with a few more to come this year!
I don't think so - SEGA released new console after new console when they had barely established their current consoles and in the end, broke consumer confidence, resulting in their consoles just pretty much dying on them. Assuming that NX was to launch this year, it would have been around 4 years since the launch of Wii U - my prediction is a late 2017/2018 launch depending on if it's home console/hybrid, in which case they're stretching to 6 years.

Taking into account the relative failures of the Wii U, I think it's fair to say that 6 years for the console which has been very underwhelming with its sales is pretty good. It's time for Nintendo to release NX and get the buzz surrounding them back, because spending years with a dying Wii U can only result in irrelevancy (of course, releasing new IPs like Splatoon can do wonders, as they build up a solid consumer base for them, so they can release bigger sequels for NX without the risk of releasing a new IP).
Nintendo is not doing what SEGA did with the dreamcast as they are already aware of what will happen. They are simply stirring rumors and playing into their hand to raise hype levels for a console coming out late 2017/ early 2018 as @TheYESDragon said. Besides, people are complaining about the Wii u for some reasons that don't even make sense. People just can't appreciate the companies work
It's not like rushing the Gamecube out the door for the Wii hurt them at all.
Besides, Nintendo will need to talk about new Wii U games fairly soon if they hold NX back to 2017. Do you really want a repeat of the Wii's last few barren years?
There is nothing to worry about. Nintendo is just letting hype build up so then they can surprise and impress us all. Plus, Nintendo wants to give the Wii U one last hoorah in sales to really please the mainstream crowd. Also, don't worry about SEGA at the moment. They're fine as a third party companies. They're still successful in the arcades and urinal games in Japan. (Urinal games are real, Japan is weird)
They're still successful in the arcades and urinal games in Japan. (Urinal games are real, Japan is weird)
I guess you learn something new everyday xD

And if Nintendo knows what they're doing they'll probably know that it's best to let the Wii U have another year or two in the market then drop the NX for us, since the Wii U is picking up the pace with its new releases.