M Magik I made Resetti's Bad list. Banned User Feb 7, 2015 #1 These crappy puns lovely valentines day cards made by Nintendo are yours, have fun! Dont know what the heck "your a good egg" egg means or is supposed to mean, but have fun!
These crappy puns lovely valentines day cards made by Nintendo are yours, have fun! Dont know what the heck "your a good egg" egg means or is supposed to mean, but have fun!
5 532 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Feb 16, 2015 #4 Haha, that's nice to see Nintendo embrace an international event like this On a side note, You stole mah article from.the blog!
Haha, that's nice to see Nintendo embrace an international event like this On a side note, You stole mah article from.the blog!
Moon Rain N = R x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L Towns Folk Feb 16, 2015 #5 Gotta love the "I'll never leaf you" one tho