Nintendo Really Need A Gift System

  • Thread starter VictorStHang
  • Start date

A Gift System Would Be A Good Idea?

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Double Faced Hero/Villan
Towns Folk
So, I'm actually, VERY FREAKING MAD, I'm not american, and i tried to bought Lucas With An International Credit card, Everything was going fine, Until it gave me an error, It said that it was not completed, BUT I STILL GOT CHECKED, I Don't understand, It said that the transaction wasn't done, but i still got my money taken away, And i realized that my cousin had credit enough to buy me lucas, BUT, It didn't have a GIFT SYSTEM.
WOW, INCREDIBLE! (Read this as SSB4 Announcer, it really gets funny, Also made my day little better)
I Don't know if this happened because i put some wrong ZIP CODE, I Checked everything 10 times before buying it, and i tried later, SAME, DAMN, ERROR. My 2DS Is setted for USA/California.
I'm trying hard to get play coins here to get credits an get lucas.
Sorry for being so mad in this post tho.
I'm just not feeling well.
Nintendo really need this fast...
Also, I put BRAZILIAN ZIP Code, This interfers in something?
I think it may have to do with your location settings. Did you by any chance find out what error code it was and looked it up?
Yeah, I think this sort of thing happens a lot to people >.< I always recommend just buying an eShop card online from a retailer/etc. and just putting in the code to buy any DLC, or other things from the eShop. It's more easier than what you did.
My location settings we're all okay, my cousin have the same and he did got it, unfortunatly i couldn't find any ESHOP Cards next or far from me.
It's really hard getting eshop cards, i may never get lucas, this makes me really sad.