Nintendo's New Reward System: Out With The Old, In With The NEW!

  • Thread starter RichGamerton
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Towns Folk

So as many of us are already aware of, Club Nintendo will soon be a thing of the past. This is a sad thing for most of us, for sure. I reached Gold Status from the codes I mustered and now I have to say goodbye to the prizes I wished to get. But, they aren't leaving us high and dry. Club Nintendo will be replaced by a new rewards program. I wonder what it will be like. Maybe they will name it NEW Club Nintendo!:p Who knows? What are your thoughts on the whole matter? Post them here
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"New Club Nintendo" = DDP
That is all.
New club nintendo ??? that resembles something to me I can't get it, i think it is something about a console named that way but I can't help remembering ahahhahahah that's so cool hahahha Nintendo is definitely good at naming its products hahaha Yes, the news took me by surprise, I am trying to reach platinum status but now I don't know what shall I want it for! I hope it won't be just something completely exclusive with new nintendo 3ds, cause be it like that, I must buy It sooner than I thought!! Man My girlfriend is gonna kill me!!! ahhahahha
To be honest I never used club Nintendo in my life but I did get a few games from the site by trading pc on here for codes but I don't think they might name the new rewards program new club Nintendo even though they named the new 3ds The New 3ds.

So as many of us are already aware of, Club Nintendo will soon be a thing of the past. This is a sad thing for most of us, for sure. I reached Gold Status from the codes I mustered and now I have to say goodbye to the prizes I wished to get. But, they aren't leaving us high and dry. Club Nintendo will be replaced by a new rewards program. I wonder what it will be like. Maybe they will name it NEW Club Nintendo!:p Who knows? What are your thoughts on the whole matter? Post them here
I think nintendo might bring back something like the nintendo power supplies catalog. If you think about it, that catalog had some pretty cool rewards in it. This is just a theory of mine. Also, if I remember correctly, club nintendo is shutting down the same month as E3 is coming up. Maybe nintendo will talk about their new program around that time.
I think nintendo might bring back something like the nintendo power supplies catalog. If you think about it, that catalog had some pretty cool rewards in it. This is just a theory of mine. Also, if I remember correctly, club nintendo is shutting down the same month as E3 is coming up. Maybe nintendo will talk about their new program around that time.
GameXplain had a similar theory about Nintendo Power; great minds think alike! :) But tbh, I hope that E3 is spent mostly talking about contrast to that meh Direct which forced N3DS down our throats... :p (No hate on the console)
"New" club nintendo? I would just like die if that was the name lol. Maybe it will be called nintendo house or something like that. But glad therye finally changing the system. I don't really bother with club nintendo because I don't have enough games to get gold or platinum and the rewards are okay. I always felt like nintendo was ripping off. Last year you got some stupid 30$ digital game for spending 600 dollars worth of games.
I think the new club should be called Café Nintendo. I won't mind if they gave digital codes for a good price or $50 shop codes as birthday presents to members
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"New" Club Nintendo? I can't withstand such level of inspiration! Behold the inspiration, everybody!
Nah, they should find something more original, something that would make it different than the thing Club Nintendo used to be. Something like Nintendo Rewards (and again, doesn't sounds really great) or Nintendo VIP... Just giving out ideas...

And in any case, I will wait for CN of Europe to update one last time before cashing out my 5500+ stars I've cumulated during the last two years.
  • #10
I wish the new rewards program will NOT be region locked. OR at least, let the rewards be shipped worldwide. But that's just hopeful wishing. Whatever the new rewards programs will be, rewards will be rewards -- free items!
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  • #11
I forgot that club nintendo is shutting down, If there is a new one, I hope they still keep the way you do things on the normal club nintendo where you use coins for stuff, I hope for the new they keep that system
  • #12
Hmm, I am not really sure what to think of this change. To be honest, the only time I used Club Nintendo for actual purposes was during the Pokemon X promotion, and a got a few Virtual Console games.
Let's at least hope that the newer Customer Loyalty program features something more interesting and newer :)
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  • #13
I said it in another thread and I'll say it again. I really hope with whatever their next loyalty program is, they'll incorporate it directly with Nintendo Network ID's. Club Nintendo was a completely different account system but hopefully they'll make it so anyone with a Nintendo Network ID will directly enjoy the benefits.
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  • #14
I only wonder if this new loyalty program will be like a membership subscriber program similar to psn

So as many of us are already aware of, Club Nintendo will soon be a thing of the past. This is a sad thing for most of us, for sure. I reached Gold Status from the codes I mustered and now I have to say goodbye to the prizes I wished to get. But, they aren't leaving us high and dry. Club Nintendo will be replaced by a new rewards program. I wonder what it will be like. Maybe they will name it NEW Club Nintendo!:p Who knows? What are your thoughts on the whole matter? Post them here

So as many of us are already aware of, Club Nintendo will soon be a thing of the past. This is a sad thing for most of us, for sure. I reached Gold Status from the codes I mustered and now I have to say goodbye to the prizes I wished to get. But, they aren't leaving us high and dry. Club Nintendo will be replaced by a new rewards program. I wonder what it will be like. Maybe they will name it NEW Club Nintendo!:p Who knows? What are your thoughts on the whole matter? Post them here