Nintenpedia Murder Mystery

  • Thread starter RedWhaley14
  • Start date


The master of UwU was here.
Towns Folk
Lol forum games are getting a bit boring, huh? How about we increase the stakes with a little mystery, huh? (I swear this is a game I swear lol)

I doubt we have enough active people for this but if you ping your friends, we might! To join, just read the rules below and then post a comment here saying "join" to be entered into the queue for next game.

So here’s how the game works:

1. The game is not limited in player count, so however many players can play. In each round, there will be a killer, a guard, a police chief, and the remaining players (at least 4) will be detectives.

2. The objective of the killer is to eliminate 3 detectives or to trick the guard into guarding him. Every day, the killer will leave 1 clue as to who he intends to kill. If the victim is guarded successfully, the town will get a clue that relates to the killer. The detectives have 24 hours to decide who to guard before the killer attempts his murder. The killer can NOT attempt to kill the guard or chief. The only way the guard can be killed is if he accidentally guards the killer, which would lead to a loss for the Town.

3. If the guard guards the correct person, then the game goes on as per normal. If the guard guards the wrong person, the victim is killed and cannot participate anymore. The victim will be revealed the identity of the killer if the killer pleases, however, he is to keep this information to himself. If the guard guards the killer, the killer wins instantly.

4. The objective of the detectives is to solve the clues to determine the killer’s identity, and to try to figure out who the next murderer victim will be based on the clue. The objective of the killer is to try to blend in with and mislead the detectives when discussing the victim and killer clues, and to either get guarded by the guard, to kill 3 people, or to trick the chief into interrogating someone innocent.

5. The chief of police has one chance to interrogate someone and basically lock them up, guaranteeing their death. The chief of police can announce who they'll interrogate at any time, and if they interrogate the killer, the town wins. However, if the chief makes a failed accusation, he is demoted and becomes a regular, vulnerable civilian/detective, and the game ends as a victory for the murderer.

6. Cheating is NOT allowed! If you post screenshots of your messages to prove that you are innocent, then you will be banned from playing! The same goes for trying to help out while you are dead, or anything else that is fishy.

7. There will be a 48h signup period for each round. The killer will receive a special message, and other roles will be publicly announced. Good luck and have fun, and may this game not die!

I hope this is different enough for all of you guys to have fun and enjoy. Hopefully it doesn't die and we get enough participants! If we get enough participants and this game goes well, I'll be happy to host more rounds in the same thread!
Count me in!
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I wanna play!


this looks very interesting