
  • Thread starter Kakea
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Towns Folk
Who else is excited for Megaman Legacy and the Game boy Pokemon games coming to
eshop!? I was excited to see I could relive all news Megaman games again everywhere (if I could
buy it!) And relive Pokemon yellow! I still remember playing it after my cousin gave me the
catridge! (I had the STRONGEST pikachu period!) I was so excited even though there's still some
time before it releases.Which games are you excited to buy/play and why? You just like playing
you never played or you want to relive the experience like me!?
I am thrilled that the Pokémon games are out, I gotta buy it but Amazon is being a jerk. So I'll get the game eventually hopefully. I wanna play Yellow since I played Red, I still remember Foo my Charizard (even though it says Foo my mom told me I would say its Duck... I don't know)
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I was so hyped to hear about the Pkmn VC games (Yellow/Blue/Red), because I remember playing them in my childhood years, brings back so many memories! I bought Pokemon Yellow on the release date, yes, I'm a true Pokemon fan. xD

I don't really care for the Megaman games (the old ones I'm not really a fan of) :p
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I don't really care for the Megaman games (the old ones I'm not really a fan of) :p
awww man, they're so much fun (admittedly before Megaman 5,even though I still like them)

I wanna play Yellow since I played Red, I still remember Foo my Charizard (even though it says Foo my mom told me I would say its Duck... I don't know)
I wish we could being back all of our Pokemon from the original game but, it's not possible:I remember the names of
all my Pokemon too from my 1st play through :D memories.....
I rushed to pick up the new 20th anniversary pokemon 3ds the day it released just so I would have the old pokemon on a current console. I still have pokemon red and blue for the gameboy but now I will be able to trade to the new game at the end of the year. I know there's a favorite pokemon thread but I have to say butterfree was the absolute best in the early stages of the game. once he learned confusion at lv 17 (i think) he just took out everybody, and if that didn't work sleep/poison powder would do the trick.
I know there's a favorite pokemon thread but I have to say butterfree was the absolute best in the early stages of the game. once he learned confusion at lv 17 (i think) he just took out everybody, and if that didn't work sleep/poison powder would do the trick.
My favorite for that generation (besides pikachu!) was either Dratini or Haunted(which could learn Night shade and Confusion ray: my favorite attacks to win with him!)
Sad to say, none of these titles excite me in the slightest. I've played the first Mega Man quite a bit back in my guppy days, but thinking about it doesn't give me excitement, let alone nostalgia. Going back on topic: It's great that these revolutionary games are making a veteran's stop at the eShop, but I won't be picking any of 'em up, or even glance at them, for that matter. xP
oooooh.... Even though I want to....I won't either now: I don't have enough to buy either.Even though
the thought of using haunter with no limits (I found there's no limits on the early games unlike the ones now)
made me excited! And I really want the Megaman collection because my anniversary collection for gamecube