NSMB2: Hot or not?

  • Thread starter FalcownPawnch123
  • Start date


NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
Personally, I agree with critics. Copy and pasting games really isn't nescecary.
I really like the game. I hate it how it gets so much hate. It's a great game on handheld. And they arnt just copying and pasting stuff. They are new levels, and new power ups. It's a awesome game on the 3DS. New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros Wii, New Super Mario Bros 2 and New Super Mario Bros U are all their own games with unique power ups and different levels. Also, New Super Mario Bros 2 is a sequel to New Super Mario Bros so you should compare it to that.
Honestly, I though NSMB2 was okay. I mean of course it's a little repetitive, but that is kind of inevitable. I did like the throw backs to SMB3, like the Tanooki Leaf. Plus, the gameplay is fun as always. It's not terribly bad like most people would say in my opinion.
Hot. Its just another Mario game, nothing wrong with that. My only gripe with it was it's copy/pasted soundtrack. Everything else felt fresh. (Then again I've only played it at a store for five minutes.)