Mikaya úwù Towns Folk Apr 6, 2014 #1 Did you used to sell your old consoles to buy the latest ones? or did you used to keep and treasure them for years to come?
Did you used to sell your old consoles to buy the latest ones? or did you used to keep and treasure them for years to come?
LavenderTownGhost On hiatus, kind of. Towns Folk Apr 6, 2014 #2 I kept mine. I couldn't get rid of them if I tried, haha.
Lovebeat Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Apr 10, 2014 #3 I never did. I still have all the old consoles boxed away.
Lamont "Haunted Pumpkin" Towns Folk Apr 11, 2014 #4 I used to do this all of the time but I stopped right before Xbox one came out.
TheYESDragon Find Your Warrior Towns Folk Apr 11, 2014 #5 I used to sell my old games, but now I'll keep all of the best games I own.
Baz AC:NL - The Villager Towns Folk Apr 12, 2014 #6 I kept the N64 but got rid of the Gamecube and PS2 when I upgraded.
Dragon Lord Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Apr 16, 2014 #7 I always keep my old consoles. There is always going to be some point that I want to play one of the games on it.
I always keep my old consoles. There is always going to be some point that I want to play one of the games on it.
jams3223 The Task Blanker Towns Folk Aug 12, 2014 #8 I like giving my old stuff for new ones and paying a slight money for it at gamestop.