Splatoon 2 Opinions of Flingza Roller?

  • Thread starter Alajú
  • Start date


NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
Anyone who's had the opportunity to use the Flingza Roller in matches, what do you think so far? Is it great? It looks great. I mained the carbon roller in Splatoon 1 and it worked amazingly. The combination of three different roller ranges looks incredible to me. :D
The flingza roller is great!. It's like the range of a dynamo roller but faster. It's like a combination of splat roller and dynamo roller. You can get lots of kills by just staying at a safe distance and splatting enemies. It's also good for just inking turf. I really like using this in salmon run. It can reach the steel head's ink balloon and destroy it pretty fast. And it also can plow through mini salmonoids while creating a path. The range is definitely terrifying when an opponent is using it. I always underestimate the range and get caught. This roller can't be used like a normal roller much though. Because you fling more than roll. This is more of a kill weapon rather than a ink turf weapon. I especially like to use the foil flingza roller because I like the sub and specials better. Suction bombs are good for area control and tenta missles lets you track opponents while pushing them back. I would love to see a mini flingza roller that would be a combination of the carbon roller and dynamo roller.
The flingza roller is ok i guess. I'm not a roller main so my opinions kinda don't matter as much as someone who uses rollers regularly. The flingza roller is a bit slow imo. I'm more of a speedy brush person that likes to kill my foes with rapid speed all though having a disadvantage of close range.