Ostwind/Windstorm Listed on Amazon Germany for Nintendo Switch

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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Ostwind, also known as Windstorm, has been listed on Amazon Germany for the Nintendo Switch. Deep down I'm hoping it's true because it'd be nice to have a wide variety of games to choose from. This one looks peaceful and it'd be great for someone looking for a horse-riding simulator, although the game might be much more than that.

Amazon Germany - https://www.amazon.de/EuroVideo-Ostwind-Das-Spiel/dp/B074QT62NP/


A short description of the game :
Based on the successful WINDSTORM movies and best-selling books, you slip into the role of Mika and immerse yourself deeper into the fascinating world of the horse whisperer and her black stallion Ostwind. There‘s always something exciting to do at Kaltenbach Estate. Freely explore the area around Kaltenbach Estate and discover entirely new locations with Windstorm.
Do you care of this game really has a Switch version? What do you think?
Lol it kind of reminds me of The Legend of Zelda probably because of the Horse idk why small companies releases games that are similar to Nimtnedo games which is weird is it because Nintendo wants players to cool down their hype while they're working on a game or is it because they just want to make money.
If you wanted a horse riding sim just get breath of the wild

Ostwind/Windstorm looks like a good game and it runs beautiful, almost thought I was watching a ps4 game. Although from what I've read about this game elsewhere it doesn't have much going on in it other than the horse, it has a little story, although I think they should have included something like the movies story, would have made this a great game. Anyways I'd like to see it come to the switch and I hope the rumors are true.