PAL Club Nintendo has a great final item

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Lime Pawpaw
Towns Folk
The Goodbye Coin ;-;

Drat, why didn't North American Club Nintendo members get something like this? I'd buy it off a EU parson if I could.
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Oh COME on! NA never gets anything cool from Nintendo... stupid haters :p... it is a really cool coin. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it off Amazon or something. They're likely to be in pretty high demand though, so it'll be expansive ;_; if you get one, post a picture :D that would be so cool!
Wow I wonder why the NA Club Nintendo never got something like this :p I'd sure want one of those, though they probably couldn't ship it since I'm not in the US xD Still though, it's a really nice thing to have to remember CN. At least EU has something better than NA for a point :p
Hopefully the "New" Club Nintendo for NA will get good stuff like this. And that PAL will get a more assortment of stuff retail and digital. But still that is awesome for PAL!
why couldn't it be free, like as a gift? xD

It looks pretty cool actually, better than the other merchandise on offer. It's a nice little gesture, though. The design of the coin and pouch are really nice. A gold coin would have been more suiting, I think. :p
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Oh COME on! NA never gets anything cool from Nintendo... stupid haters :p... it is a really cool coin. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it off Amazon or something. They're likely to be in pretty high demand though, so it'll be expansive ;_; if you get one, post a picture :D that would be so cool!

Shall I remind you that you NA guys get your games earlier (most of the time) than us, and got Flipnote Studio while we still don't have it ? But yes, I think Amazon or eBay would probably be your best chance at getting this coin. However, I feel like there will be speculation (just like for most of the Nintendo stuff (amiibo, games, systems)).

why couldn't it be free, like as a gift? xD

It looks pretty cool actually, better than the other merchandise on offer. It's a nice little gesture, though. The design of the coin and pouch are really nice. A gold coin would have been more suiting, I think. :p

Indeed, it looks cool. Sad thing, it's damn overpriced (1000 would have been better). But, it's not as if I had nothing left my account :D !
Is it already sold out ? I don't seem to be able to order it...