PS Persona 3 help?

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Towns Folk
I'm in the 85th floor of tartarus with the boss in it. My party is: MC (level 26), Koromaru (level 34), Aigis (level 30) and Yukari (level 23). My persona is Yamatano-orochi with: Kill Rush, Auto-Rakukaja, Mabufu, Assault Dive, Tarukaja, Rakunda, Diarahan (used to be recarm but magic stuff happened) and Dekaja. It's at level 29 and if anyone here has gotten past this part, please help me out.
What about your other personas? Do you have anything with Strike or Wind attacks? Preferably with a resistance to Electricity. If not, then try fusing one.
What about your other personas? Do you have anything with Strike or Wind attacks? Preferably with a resistance to Electricity. If not, then try fusing one.
I actually beat it on a bus today, but thanks anyways.