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Pokémon Master
Towns Folk
I don't know what's going on with PETA, but lately I've been hearing a whole bunch of stuff about how they don't like Pokemon for some reason? Something about how they battle and it's classified as 'animal abuse'? I really don't know what's going on and it's confusing me, could Pokemon be jeopardized by their jabs? :(
I don't know what's going on with PETA, but lately I've been hearing a whole bunch of stuff about how they don't like Pokemon for some reason? Something about how they battle and it's classified as 'animal abuse'? I really don't know what's going on and it's confusing me, could Pokemon be jeopardized by their jabs? :(

Yes, this is the second thread about them.

But they hate everything (Including a Super Tofu Boy for Super Meat Boy)
Just ignore them.
Yes, this is the second thread about them.

But they hate everything (Including a Super Tofu Boy for Super Meat Boy)
Just ignore them.
I don't like their whole threat to anybody who stands in their way idealization. Can't we all just get along? Their logic doesn't even really make sense. It's a shame. :(
I don't like their whole threat to anybody who stands in their way idealization. Can't we all just get along? Their logic doesn't even really make sense. It's a shame. :(

Exacty. Pokémons aren't animals, technically they're monsters :p
PETA, I think is overdoing it right now, they have the right to protest and its their opinion but don't go brain washing children or disobeying society laws to promote this matter

They have brought out a comic for kid's, saying your "mom kills animals:, its demoralizing society, I don't like them, I think if they stayed underground and promoted it in a very quietly/but effectively it would have been ok.

Here is a video that interested me:
"PETA, I think is overdoing it right now..." They ALWAYS overdo things lol, I mean they said Assassin's Creed IV promotes whaling because it was portraying something historically accurate. They just want attention....that's literally it.
"PETA, I think is overdoing it right now..." They ALWAYS overdo things lol, I mean they said Assassin's Creed IV promotes whaling because it was portraying something historically accurate. They just want attention....that's literally it.
True, they find every little thing that they can pick on just for the attention of the society and media
Yup and sometimes it's actually more hilarious than it is annoying. I mean Pokemon Black and Blue.....that parody was so hilarious in the sense it showed the extent of their stupidity xD
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Yup and sometimes it's actually more hilarious than it is annoying. I mean Pokemon Black and Blue.....that parody was so hilarious in the sense it showed the extent of their stupidity xD

Yeah, sometimes those parodies are too funny and stupid :p
  • #10
PETA sucks, Pokemon is an innocent and fun cartoon. They're not and should never be considered as animal abuse, that's absurd.
  • #11
PETA sucks, Pokemon is an innocent and fun cartoon. They're not and should never be considered as animal abuse, that's absurd.
Never consider anything PETA says to be legit lol
  • #12
We're doing exactly what they want us to do -.- Spread the word... Get attention... people really should just freaking ignore them , and stop talking about PETA...
  • #13
We're doing exactly what they want us to do -.- Spread the word... Get attention... people really should just freaking ignore them , and stop talking about PETA...
Yup exactly, but since when are people rational about things and have common sense? No real way to stop stupidity because people will always be there to feed the troll
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  • #14
We're doing exactly what they want us to do -.- Spread the word... Get attention... people really should just freaking ignore them , and stop talking about PETA...

But we have our rights to spread our opinions.
  • #15
I'm not saying you don't, I just said that's exactly what they wanted,to be talked about them...
  • #16
PETA is just looking for attention. They have done this before like with Super Mario 3D Land and Cooking Mama. :eek:
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  • #17
Peta isn't even worth the time. lol
  • #18
Really what are they trying to prove to society, it will never change. I think this entire organization is a waste, instead of protesting for something like this ,why not protest about what is happening in other countries, children are starving and they will eat anything, members of PETA have to much time honestly
  • #19
Really what are they trying to prove to society, it will never change. I think this entire organization is a waste, instead of protesting for something like this ,why not protest about what is happening in other countries, children are starving and they will eat anything, members of PETA have to much time honestly
PETA is just trying to get attention...that's literally all it is. They're just trolling everyone and wanting to incite as much rage as they possibly can. Their "cause" is something that's understandable but the means is stupid
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  • #20
Pokemon is a fine game , but pokemon are not real animals they are just in a game and they are not animals they are called pokemon and there is no blood at all xD...