Pikmin for 3DS announced

  • Thread starter TheYESDragon
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Find Your Warrior
Towns Folk
Source: https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/771355324469112832


The final game announced in today's Nintendo Direct was introduced by Bill Trinen as a new Pikmin title for Nintendo 3DS, due to release in 2017.

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I've always loved the pikmin series, but have never owned a GameCube, or Wii/ Wii U, so I'm excited to finally be able to own one for myself. I don't know how true to the originals they are staying, and not a whole lot of info was shown, but it looks super cute and fun.
...*takes a deep breath* I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS *Cries in a corner*
Looks rather good. It's not the same Pikmin. As in RTS, but it's definitely a nice take on the formula by making it a side scroller.

I have aome Kirby Mass Attack vibes from this, which isn't bad in the least.
If they manage to condense the experience of exploring a open environment into a 2D plane (a la something like terraria or metroidvania style world exploration probably), I could see me losing a hell of a lot of hours in this game
I'm not a big Pikmin fan but this looks like a lot of fun if it's just Pikmin but in 2d I think it will be fine
It looks pretty good. Kind of sad that they couldn't do the traditional over head collecting style but this looks promising
This does look like an interesting twitst in the whole Pikmin formula, changing from the 3D perspective to a more traditional 2D side-scroller. I think I'll keep an eye for this one; though I'm yet to finish Pikmin 3, so off I go to complete that game! :p
I have a feeling actual strategy in this game will be diminished since a third dimension is gone. It seems more of a puzzle than anything now. Meh, it still looks really good and maintains the Pikmin aesthetic. Hopefully the developers decently converted Pikmin as a whole onto the 2D plain.
  • #10
Pikmin 3 is my favourite game on wii u so i was a bit disappointed in a non exploration, 2d game that has no story, no achievements just...shiver...a goal. I will pick this game up and have fun with it but i do think Nintendo could have achieved a good 3d pikmin game with lower visuals a lesser pikmin count and possibly not such a vast exploration area like the others. I can still console myself with a pikmin 4 and i guess this game may attract more fans to the franchise but i'm still slightly disappointed.