Hero of Thyme
Towns Folk
Let's cut to the chase, 2 pc for normal Pokémon, 3 for Legendaries. F=Female M=Male. GO!
M Lotad(1), Rain Dish, IVs unknown, Modest Nature
F Litwick(1), Flame Body, IVs unknown, Modest Nature
F Deino(1), Hustle, IVs unknown, Modest Nature
F Dratini(1), Shed Skin, IVs unknown, Adamant Nature, has Extreme Speed
F Ninetales(30), Drought, IVs in speed and SpD
F Tyrunt(1), Sturdy, IVs unknown but is a breedject, Jolly Nature. All 3 fang attacks and dragon dance
5 HA Eevees(1 and a 30), IVs unknown, F Naive(Nicknamed Cool), M Quiet, M Docile, and adamant(M/F) x2 natures. One of the adamant(F) has curse(egg move)
F Snorunt(30), Moody, IVs unknown, Calm Nature, Nicknamed "Moodswing"
F Honedge(6), No Guard, IVs only SpA, Quiet Nature
F Pupitar(33), Shed Skin, IVs unknown, Adamant Nature, has Dragon Dance
M Cloyster(33), Skill Link, IVs unknown, Relaxed Nature
Reshiram(51), IVs unknown, Serious Nature
Virizion(42), IVs unknown, Modest Nature
Cobalion(43), IVs unknown, Careful Nature
Terrakion(44), IVs unknown, Naughty Nature
Suicune(50), Pressure, IVs unknown, Mild Nature
F Heatran(50), IVs unknown, Lax Nature
- Buy 2 normals, get a legend for 1 pc
-Buy 2 Legends, get a normal for free.
-EV training+Leveling 1 PC (2 PC for level 60+)
- I have an extra dusk stone if you want to evolve Honedge into Aegislash eventually. Any items that I have cost 1 PC(ask if I have an extra one, I'll check)
-I am will to Ev train and level YOUR Pokémon up to 50 for 1 PC, 2 for Level 60+.
Here is how you order:
State the product you want, what EVs, and your FC like this:
EVs and/or level:
IF YOU DO NOT USE THIS FORMAT OR ONE LIKE IT, I will ask you to reorganize you order. If you refuse, I will refuse to serve you
It's okay @Jotape™ , I made this after you ordered, don't worry I'll still do your order.
Please don't be illiterate or inconsiderate. Thanks for reading.
M Lotad(1), Rain Dish, IVs unknown, Modest Nature
F Litwick(1), Flame Body, IVs unknown, Modest Nature
F Deino(1), Hustle, IVs unknown, Modest Nature
F Dratini(1), Shed Skin, IVs unknown, Adamant Nature, has Extreme Speed
F Ninetales(30), Drought, IVs in speed and SpD
F Tyrunt(1), Sturdy, IVs unknown but is a breedject, Jolly Nature. All 3 fang attacks and dragon dance
5 HA Eevees(1 and a 30), IVs unknown, F Naive(Nicknamed Cool), M Quiet, M Docile, and adamant(M/F) x2 natures. One of the adamant(F) has curse(egg move)
F Snorunt(30), Moody, IVs unknown, Calm Nature, Nicknamed "Moodswing"
F Honedge(6), No Guard, IVs only SpA, Quiet Nature
F Pupitar(33), Shed Skin, IVs unknown, Adamant Nature, has Dragon Dance
M Cloyster(33), Skill Link, IVs unknown, Relaxed Nature
Reshiram(51), IVs unknown, Serious Nature
Virizion(42), IVs unknown, Modest Nature
Cobalion(43), IVs unknown, Careful Nature
Terrakion(44), IVs unknown, Naughty Nature
Suicune(50), Pressure, IVs unknown, Mild Nature
F Heatran(50), IVs unknown, Lax Nature
- Buy 2 normals, get a legend for 1 pc
-Buy 2 Legends, get a normal for free.
-EV training+Leveling 1 PC (2 PC for level 60+)
- I have an extra dusk stone if you want to evolve Honedge into Aegislash eventually. Any items that I have cost 1 PC(ask if I have an extra one, I'll check)
-I am will to Ev train and level YOUR Pokémon up to 50 for 1 PC, 2 for Level 60+.
Here is how you order:
State the product you want, what EVs, and your FC like this:
EVs and/or level:
IF YOU DO NOT USE THIS FORMAT OR ONE LIKE IT, I will ask you to reorganize you order. If you refuse, I will refuse to serve you
It's okay @Jotape™ , I made this after you ordered, don't worry I'll still do your order.
Please don't be illiterate or inconsiderate. Thanks for reading.
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