PkMn XY/ORAS Poke-Breeders Daycare: Fast Pokemon Breeding for 2 Pc

  • Thread starter PalD2
  • Start date


Just some guy on the interwebs
Towns Folk
Hi, I am a Pokemon breeder, and I love to breed Pokemon. The services that I provide is breeding (nature, ability, and egg moves are not included), leveling, EV Training, and move tutor. Each service will cost 2 Pc each. Through a classified method of breeding (A.K.A. Time Machine Method) , I can get you the Pokemon you want, FAST! Note: I do not breed for shinies, legendaries, or 6 IV Pokemon. Also, it costs 2Pc for every 50 levels. When you post your request, please put it into a format like this:
Pokemon: (Insert Here)
Level: (Insert Here)
Ability: (Insert Here)
Nature: (Insert Here)
  • (Insert Here)
  • (Insert Here)
  • (Insert Here)
  • (Insert Here)
IV Spread: x/x/x/x/x/x
EV Spread: x/x/x/x/x/x

Note: You don't need to specify things that you don't want:
e.g. "It doesn't matter what moves/nature/ability/level/EV's it is" -That One Guy With That One Thing