PkMn XY/ORAS Pokemon 4 Sale

  • Thread starter Bobcam7!
  • Start date


*Consuming itself*
Towns Folk
Hello everyone I am selling some Pokemon for 1-3 PC

Basic Pokemon- 1PC to 3PC. Legendarys or other unbreedable Pokemon I can refuse.

Any Evolved Pokemon- 1PC to 3PC + Training costs.

Random Egg- 1 PC. If you're willing to put effort into hatching the Pokemon and nicknaming it this is the way to go!

Type Mystery Box- 2 PC. Name a type and you get an egg of that type! You can ask for a possible pool of Pokemon.


Express Order- +2 PC. This means I will get to your order first.

Nickname- +1 PC. Nicknames the order of a name of your choice.

Gender- +0 PC. You get to choose if you want male or female.

Nature- +2 PC. You get to select the nature of the order.

Training- +1 PC to be levelled up to 50. Whenever it learns a move you get to choose what stays. This WILL take your order longer and is asked to have patience.

5-6 IV- +5 PC. I'm new to the IV party and I only know what it is, how to breed better IVs and the old man in X and Y so the price might be a bit high.

Shinys are rarely in stock but when they are there will be +5PC or best offer. There are no shinys in stock right now.

Thank you for shopping at the Bobcam Mart. We will restock our Mews and Missingnos soon we just need to move this darn truck!
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If you get shinys, remember that they have to be under your OT/ID >.<