Challenge Pokemon battling or selling shinies

  • Thread starter vincent888
  • Start date


The Challenger
Towns Folk
Hi. So I'm trying to gain play coins to be able to get ORAS. I really want to get it so if anyone would like to do a wager battle, please tell me and you can offer the deal. Overall, I just want to meet the people in this community and have fun.


1. Only Kalos rules because I don't have ORAS yet

2. Follow Smogon OU rules

3. If you would like just a free battle, I will be more then welcome to still battle you. You may bring ubers to if it is a free battle.
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Are the Shinies you're selling under your OT/ID if not then you may not sell them it's under the forums rule.
What's OT/ID?
Original trainer/ID number.
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Reactions: Ninja-Patty
What's OT/ID?
In other words did you caught these shiny pokemon yourself or did you got them from someone else by trade?

You may only sell shinies if you caught them yourself.

Here's an example:

My In Game Name is Patty

And the OT is Levi this is prove that this Shiny Blaziken wasn't caught by myself. Therefore I may NOT sell it.
Ohh I see thank you for informing me. Some of the shinies I have are originally mine and some are not so I will have to see when someone requests.