Spin Off Pokemon picross warning/tip

  • Thread starter TheUltimateC
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
For those of you out there that just whant to try out this fun free game without spending money, i got a tip for you.
The currency of the game is picrites, and during the tutorial you get a good bunch of them. Now don't make the mistake that i did and spend it all at once, it may be tempting to expand your party or energy bar, but you don't need this. Use them to unlock new area's early on, or your quickling run out of things to do for the day. Even upgrading the energy meter shouldn't be done too fast (eventually you can't go without because puzzles get bigger) it's better to wait a bit and continue later than to wait 3 days before you earned enough from daily practice to proceed to the next area. I found out the hard way, upgrade my party to the max immediatly, because i thaught, well its a pokemon game and these things lvl up, so let's bring more of em at once so it'll go quicker. (They don't ;p ) It's not too hard to solve puzzles without aid.
I discovered that early in the game, but a bit too late too unfortunately! I only upgraded my energy bar once though, so thankfully there wasn't much harm done! I did get stuck in area 5 though, but only for a day and now I'm on area 6! Finally, while what you said is mostly true, the really large puzzles are incredibly difficult without any support at all! If you manage to reach are 5 however, you can catch the 3 Zygarde formes, which all have Square Reveal as their ability and each can clear 75-90 blocks, making the really large puzzle a piece of cake!