PkMn XY/ORAS Pokemon Showdown Challenges >:3

  • Thread starter Leafeon1010
  • Start date


Local Shop Owner
Towns Folk
Yes, after a million years I'm back.
WITH A CHALLENGE!1!!11!!!!!11!
So, here's how it works.
Since all the other threads are really old...

You can bet up to 5-20 pc.
Formats will be (I will change this sometimes)

. Gen 7 Random Battle

If you see I dont or you dont have the PC, reserve a battle.
My user on Pokemon Showdown is also Leafeon1010.
My user is a link ;3
I'll fight you, with a 5PC bet, best 2 of 3. Fine by you?
I'll fight you, with a 5PC bet, best 2 of 3. Fine by you?
Yes, tomorrow at 4?
M88, fite me. 5 pcs.
Yes, tomorrow at 4?
Yeah, sure, wait, 4 where? I'm PST in California.
Yeah, sure, wait, 4 where? I'm PST in California.
Huh, same. So yeah, we can try at 4.

And ok Trump :^)
4:20 ok?
Bump :')
SO SORRY something came up. I'm free now. Same goes to Trump.
Actually, sorry, I hadn't been on in a bit, and I'm only now checking my messages, care to schedule out a time now? Same as before, best 2 out of 3 for 5 PC.
  • #10
Of course. I'm free now... and I have tomorrow.
  • #11
Of course. I'm free now... and I have tomorrow.
If you have time now, go ahead and write Mr. Kream and I'll be right with you.
  • #12
Still around?
  • #13
Yes. I'm available now through an hour or 2
  • #14
Yes. I'm available now through an hour or 2
Notification just popped up, but I'm prepping to leave, what about tomorrow? I have yet to make plans and there's nothing I need to do, so I'll be home, also, I often leave my SD open, so it'd probably be easier to write me there.
  • #15
Notification just popped up, but I'm prepping to leave, what about tomorrow? I have yet to make plans and there's nothing I need to do, so I'll be home, also, I often leave my SD open, so it'd probably be easier to write me there.
Ok! It's a bad day for me, also. SOme idiot has been sexually harassing me and some other guy was flirting. Jfc today...
  • #16
That's totally not cool, handle that, ttyl.