Spin Off Pokemon Trozei vs Pokemon Shuffle ideas

  • Thread starter Yumi Chi
  • Start date
Battle Trozei has multiplayer and that's the only thing I can think of without googling.
Honestly, I thought Pokemon Shuffle and Pokemon Trozei was the same thing but one is free with Micro Transaction and the other is $7.99. If it really is multiplayer than that is really cool! Pokemon Shuffle is an awesome game and Pokemon Trozei looks even more interesting! I'm pretty sure Pokemon Trozei has more levels and Pokemon.
I don't have Pokemon Trozei but I have read a lot about it and it seems fun. One of the features that Pokemon Shuffle doesn't have that Trozei has is better and cooler graphics. It has a multiplayer option and has the coolest feature of street pass, you can share you lead Pokemon with others! You might suddenly get a MewTwo from a street pass which is cool :D